Agricultural Sciences (B.Sc.)
Theory and practice: The Bachelor's degree programme in Agricultural Sciences deals with fundamental knowledge of natural sciences as well as the economic and social structures of agriculture. The programme provides the scientific foundations for the analysis of the development of the agricultural sector. Thus it makes a vital contribution to worldwide food security on the basis of sustainable cultivation systems. A successfully completed degree qualifies the student for numerous Master's degree programmes at universities worldwide - also in related subjects depending upon one's focus.
- Name:
- Agricultural Sciences
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Teaching language:
- German
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start of studies:
- Every winter semester
- Admission:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- Orientation events:
- Orientation events are offered
- Pre-course:
- Pre-courses are offered
Get to know us

Student Council Agricultural Sciences
Representatives in the student body

Campus Tours
With students on the road
The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences with its broad and diverse range of more than 30 scientific institutions - divided into the Departments of Animal Sciences, Crop Sciences and Agricultural Economics and Rural Development - offers a wide range of study fields and specialisations.
Due to the modularisation of the programme, it is possible to choose one of the study specialisations already after the third semester.
The modularisation has the following advantages:
- one-semester courses
- tests at the end of each module
- continuous monitoring of performance by determining the current grade average point
The successful completion of our programmes lead to the internationally recognised Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degree.
In the Bachelor's programme, one of five specialisations is eligible after the third semester (agribusiness, crop science, animal sciences, resource management or economic and social sciences of agriculture).
In addition to the lectures, there are various tutorials in which students can deepen their knowledge of specific topics in smaller study groups. For example, the module "Practical course in anatomy and physiology of livestock" in the first semester, where students can dissect tissues and organs on their own.
Working groups, which are organised by students, offer the opportunity to participate in interesting excursions as well as attend interesting lectures by external lecturers and provide the opportunity to get actively involved:
- Dairy Industry
- Arable farming
- Horse
- Pig
- International Affairs
The Erasmus programme also makes it possible for research projects and university partnerships to spend semesters abroad in many countries.
The most important prerequisite is an interest in agriculture and related fields (environment, nature, agricultural policy, etc.)
In order to be admitted to study agricultural sciences, you need an university entrance qualification. It can be obtained through various school tracks, but also through a specific vocational training.
Prospective students without an agricultural background are strongly recommended to do an internship or alternatively to do an agricultural apprenticeship prior to their studies in order to be able to classify the contents of the course of studies thematically and to understand contexts and procedures in advance. If the requirements are met, an internship that was completed before enrolment can also be recognised as part of the curriculum.
However, an internship before the studies is (in most cases) not mandatory. For the admission to the Bachelor thesis, however, a 6-month internship must be completed by the 5th semester. There are various possibilities for this which are listed in more detail on the page of the Internship Office.
The possibilities for specialisation after the foundation study period (1st to 3rd semester) are very diverse in Göttingen. In principle, the following specialisations are offered for the main study period (4th to 6th semester):
- Agribusiness (PDF)
- Crop sciences (PDF)
- Animal sciences (PDF)
- Resource management (PDF)
- Economic and social sciences of agriculture (PDF)
The modularisation of the course of studies allows students to specialise further within the fields of study by choosing certain modules. List of electives (in German).
Possible specialisations are, for example:
- Animal Nutrition
- Agricultural Economics
- Plant Breeding
- Agricultural Information Sciences
- Animal Hygiene
- Agribusiness
- Molecular Biology
- Aquaculture
- Biometrics
- Nature Conservation
- Environmental Management
- Finishing Industry
- Quality Management
- Water Ecology
- Agricultural Engineering
- Tropics and Subtropics or Agricultural Aromatology.
In addition to studying at a renowned agricultural science faculty, the city itself offers many amenities that speak for Göttingen. Due to the large proportion of students in the total population, the city also lives from the University.
Various cultural activities for young people as well as pubs, green spaces and an excellent range of University sports activities make it possible for students to develop not only professionally, but also personally and to socialize and make many new contacts, also with students from other countries. In addition, there is a wide range of dedicated university groups on many different topics.
The different career paths with a degree in agricultural science are enormously diverse. Many graduates go into one of the following areas:
- Service Sector/Scientific Institutions/Agribusiness
- upstream sector of Agriculture (e.g. fertiliser/plant breeding)
- Agriculture
- downstream sector of Agriculture (e.g. trade, food industry)
- outside agribusiness (e.g. banks, insurance companies)
In all the fields of employment listed above, new interdisciplinary questions arise again and again, which are answered through study and future-oriented research. Current topics are for example:
- Breeding new cereal varieties with constant yields under different environmental influences
- Species-appropriate husbandry of farm animals
- Use of risk management strategies to reduce the economic impact of fluctuations in primary agricultural production
- The positioning of agricultural companies on the international agricultural market
- the sensible use of regenerative energies
Further information on career paths and qualifications (in German)
Consecutive/graduate programmes
The program is divided into the foundation study period (1st - 3rd semester) and a main study period (4th - 6th semester) and comprises a total of 180 credits including the bachelor thesis (12 credits).
In the main study period you decide on one of five specialisations. You can choose between:
- Agribusiness (in German)
- Crop Science (in German)
- Animal Sciences (in German)
- Resource Management (in German)
- Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences (in German)
For each of the 5 specializations the 13 modules - 78 credits - are divided into 4 blocks.
Semester 1
Botany Introduction to zoology, anatomy and physiology Chemistry and Physics Introduction to Farm Management Agroecology and Environmental PoliticsSemester 4-6
Regulations and module directory
Study Guide
- Start:
- Winter semester only
- 1st subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Academic advising
Franziska Pach
Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften
Büsgenweg 5
37077 Göttingen
Tel.: + 49 (0)551 39 23659