The University of Göttingen is an internationally renowned research university. Founded in 1737 in the Age of Enlightenment, the University is committed to the values of social responsibility of science, democracy, tolerance and justice. It offers a comprehensive range of subjects across 13 faculties: in the natural sciences, humanities, social sciences and medicine. With about 28,000 students and more than 210 degree programmes, the University is one of the largest in Germany.
New press releases

Exhibition "What the quantum?!"
“What the quantum?!” is the exhibition to celebrate the Quantum Year 2025 in the Forum Wissen, the knowledge museum of the University of Göttingen. The Forum Wissen is dedicating a large special exhibition to mark the topic of quantum mechanics, whose history is closely linked with Göttingen University. The exhibition tells the story of quantum physics from the year 1900 right up to the present day. It will run at the Forum Wissen from 27 March to 14 September 2025.
Emotive marketing for sustainable consumption?
Does triggering certain emotions increase willingness to pay for sustainably produced food? In social media, emotional messages are often used to influence users' consumer behaviour. An international research team including the University of Göttingen investigated the short- and medium-term effects of such content on consumers' willingness to pay for bars of chocolate. They found that in the short term, provoking certain emotions increases willingness to pay, but the effect weakens after a very short time.
600 million years of stress: plants retain shared gene hubs
The success of land plants is surprising because it is a challenging habitat. On land, rapid shifts in envi-ronmental conditions lead to stress, and plants have developed an elaborate molecular machinery for sensing and responding. Now, a research team led by the University of Göttingen has compared algae and plants that span 600 million years of independent evolution and pinpointed a shared stress response network using advanced bioinformatic methods.
Hearing triggered by molecular “spring”
Hearing begins with the stretching of elastic molecular “springs” that open ion channels in the sensory hair cells of the ear. For decades, researchers have known that these gating springs must exist, but they could not find them. A team from the Cluster of Excellence Multiscale Bioimaging (MBExC) in Göttingen has now discovered just such a spring for the first time. Their findings shed new light on our understanding of the sense of hearing and the function of ion channels.
Segment Anything for Microscopy
An international research team led by Göttingen University has developed a method by retraining the existing AI-based software Segment Anything on over 17,000 microscopy images with over 2 million structures annotated by hand. Their new model is called Segment Anything for Microscopy and it can precisely segment images of tissues, cells and similar structures in a wide range of settings. To make it available to researchers and medical doctors, they have also created μSAM, a user-friendly software to “segment anything” in microscopy images.
Successful strategies for collaborative species conservation
How can the loss of species and habitats in agricultural landscapes be stopped? Up to now, measures have mostly been implemented by individual farms. Researchers at the University of Göttingen have now identified essential key factors that facilitate successful agricultural-environmental collaboration at landscape level.