Business Hours
Currently the Office of Student Affairs (Studienzentrale) at Wilhelmsplatz 4 (ground floor) is open for you for two hours daily.
Opening hours and services
Replacement Card
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: 11 am - 1 pmTuesday and Thursday: 1 - 3 p.m.
Please note: Eight euros must be paid in cash on site for the replacement card.
Registrars' Office: Consultation hour "Leave of absence, exmatriculation and long-term tuition fees"
Monday: 12 - 1 pmTuesday: 1 - 2 pm
Wednesday: 11 am - 12 pm
Thursday: 1pm - 2pm
Friday 12 - 1pm
Registrars' Office: Consultation hour "Application and enrolment consultation hours"
Monday: 11 am - 12 pmTuesday: 2 - 3 pm
Wednesday: 12 - 1 pm
Thursday: 2 - 3 pm
Friday: 11am - 12pm
Central Student Advisory Service
Tuesday: 1 pm - 3 pmWednesday: 11 am - 1 pm
Thursday: 1 pm - 3 pm
(and by appointment)
Career Service
Tuesday: 1 - 2 pmWednesday: 1 - 2 pm
(and by arrangement)