In publica commoda

Useful hints for buying a second-hand bicycle

Your new bike does not have to be brand-new.
Many students and other private persons offer their used bikes for sale. Numerous repair shops are also specialists in reconditioning used bikes, so that you can get a bicycle in good condition at a low price as well.

Where can I find a second-hand bike?

In the university town of Göttingen, dozens of second-hand bikes are offered for sale every day. You just need to locate them.

The Municipality of Göttingen also holds bicycle auctions at regular intervals, further information is available from the Municipality of Göttingen.

You will find second-hand bicycles for example here:

  • on the virtual "notice board" in StudIP (keyword: "Mobiles")
  • on the notice boards at the University (for example in the central lecture hall building ZHG) or at grocery stores
  • Websites: Kleinanzeigen or Ebay

When you have found a suitable ad, make an appointment with the seller to inspect the bike and go for a test ride. Only then should you decide whether to buy it or not.

To assist you, please read our guidelines for bicycle test rides.