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Sport (B.A.) (two subjects/teaching profession)


Sports Science is involved in questions of sport and movement in the broadest sense. In the foreground, this involves the contemplation of sports in theory and practice. At Göttingen, this takes place from various perspectives: educational, didactic, sociological, medical, training and movement-based perspectives. In addition, you can improve your sporting ability in practical sports courses and prepare for work as a teacher in specialised didactic courses.

Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (two subjects/teaching profession)
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Only the winter semester
Language of the programme:
restricted admission (application to the University)
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered

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Graduates of the Bachelor of Arts for a career in teaching the subject Sport at the Gymnasium will have acquired the ability to work independently and scientifically. They will have gained extensive knowledge, abilities and skills as well as learned the historical connections, methods and theories of sports sciences and to apply these in a practice-oriented manner. The programme is divided into basic, optional compulsory and optional modules. An example of a course of study can be found on the pages of the Faulty of Social Sciences.

Some examples of subject specialisations in Göttingen are research in children's sports, youth sports and school sports, sports in prevention and rehabilitation, and the contemporary history of sports in its economic context.

Very good knowledge of motor skills in sport and human biology as well as knowledge of English are required for successful studies. Applicants whose knowledge is insufficient in these areas are suggested to deepen their knoweldge before beginning the bachelor programme.

Graduates of the bachelor's programme with the teaching profile will find career opportunities mainly in schools as soon as they have completed the additionally required Master of Education and the Referendariat (post-study career training). The empahsis on competence in education and teaching also enables graduates to find careers in sports clubs and associations.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


In the two-subject Bachelor's programme, two subjects are studied on equal terms.

A total of 180 credits are earned for the Bachelor's degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).

The two subjects each account for 66 credits. The teaching profession profile accounts for 36 credits.

The teaching profession profile is divided into the following areas:

  • Didactics (6 C)
  • Educational Sciences and internships (20 C)
  • Electives (10 C)

Regulations and module directory

Combination of subjects for the teaching profession

Some combinations of subjects with Sports must be approved:


As of the summer semester 2018, a sports ability test to take up a sports degree programme is no longer required.

Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
restricted admission (application to the University)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
restricted admission (application to the University)

Citizen from an EU country (including Germany and EEA) or holding a German university entrance qualification

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)


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Academic Advising

Annegret Schallmann

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 27159
Fax: +49 551 39 26542


Student advisory service for teaching profession

Studiendekanat Lehrer*innenbildung
Waldweg 26
DE-37073 Göttingen
