
|Forest Inventory and Forest Mensuration | Remote Sensing and Surveying|

Forest Inventory and Forest Mensuration

  • Large area forest inventories
  • Further development and evaluation of sampling methods
  • Design of a tree biomass information system for tropical forests
  • Assessment of biodiversity components by sampling
  • Linking field observations to remotely sensed data
  • Further development of biomass models
  • Inventory and assessment of Non-Wood Forest Products (NWFP)
  • Inventory of Trees Outside Forests (TOF)

Remote Sensing and Surveying

  • GPS application in forest inventory and surveying
  • Integration of remote sensing in large area forest inventories
  • Assessment of the tree resource outside forest by remote sensing
  • Analysis of forest fragmentation and the distribution pattern of non-forest trees
  • Development of algorithms for crown surface modelling
  • Extending remote sensing based information collection in forest management planning