In publica commoda

CRC-Schedule: RENEWAL of a Collaborative Research Centre

We will assist you during all preparations for the submission of a renewal proposal and will gladly discuss an individual time schedule specific to your Collaborative Research Centre in individual counseling interviews. The following time schedule only serves as a means of orientation.

In case of strategic questions concerning staff, infrastructure or the like, we ask you to contact us early on (approximately 18 ? 24 months preceding the on-site review) to allow for the scheduling of a meeting with the presidential board and sufficient time for review with all involved parties.

End of 1st funding period  
Review and decision (Renewal proposal phase)  
Begin of consultation by the Research Department 06-2017
Kick-off meeting with the Vice President for Research 07-2017
Preparation of the renewal proposal summer/autumn 2017
Submission of the pre-proposal to the DFG 08-2017
Discussion of finances with the Presidential Board 09-2017
Submission of the renewal proposal to the office of the
der Research Committee of the Senate
Presentation and discussion of the renewal proposal in the Research Committee of the Senate 11- 2017
Discussion of the renewal proposal in the Committee for Development and Financial Planning 11-2017
Short presentation of the proposal in the Senate 11-2017
Submission of the renewal proposal to the DFG 12-2017
On-site review by the DFG (two days) 02-2018
Decision by the DFG 05-2018
Written notice of the decision by the DFG 06-2018
Next funding period 01.07.2018 – 30.06.2022

  • CRC-Schedule for the establishment of a Collaborative Research Centre