Business Administration (BSc)
How do you know if a business idea will pay off? How can companies increase their efficiency? And how can we ensure more sustainability in production? In our bachelor's programme, you will learn to solve complex business problems using scientific methods. In doing so, you will draw on current scientific publications. Lectures with the participation of guests from the business world, practical lectures, excursions as well as seminar papers and theses with practical relevance will give you important contacts and prepare you for professional life. You can organise your studies individually: decide whether you want to specialise in topics such as management or controlling or whether you want to get to know different subject areas to discover your own interests and talents.
- Programme:
- Business Administration
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Science (BSc)
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start:
- Winter and summer semester
- Language of the programme:
- German
- Admission:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- Orientation events:
- at the begin of your studies orientation events are offered
- Pre-course:
- A pre-course is offered
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Campus Tours
With students on the road
Business administration (BWL) takes the perspective of individual companies. During your studies, you will learn about the sub-areas in companies such as controlling, marketing or production and logistics. The main aim is to understand and explain the individual decision-making processes.
In our bachelor's programme, you will learn to solve complex business problems using scientific methods. In doing so, you will draw on current scientific publications. Lectures with the participation of guests from the business world, practical lectures, excursions as well as seminar papers and theses with practical relevance will give you important contacts and prepare you for professional life. You can organise your studies individually: Choose whether you want to sharpen your foreign language skills in English-language courses or prefer to attend lectures in German. Decide whether you want to specialise in topics such as management or controlling or whether you want to get to know different subject areas to discover your own interests and talents.
The entire course is finished when a total of 180 credits have been earned.
During the first week of the summer and winter semesters, you will be supervised by older students, the WiWi-O-Phase tutors. In addition to the first lectures, you will get to know important learning management and examination administration systems as well as examination and study regulations of the degree programmes. You will learn how to do your semester schedule and you can even talk to the professors of the faculty at the professors' breakfast. You will get to know each other at city rallies and pub evenings. Even before lectures begin, you can (voluntarily) take part in the maths pre-course (MVK), in which selected content from school mathematics is repeated and preparation is made for the mathematics module in the 1st semester. The student council of the Faculty of Business and Economics organizes the "social events programme" during the maths pre-course with pub nights as well as campus and city tours.
Prerequisites for the successful completion of a Bachelor's programme in Business Administration are a sound knowledge of the English language (and for international students also of the German language), mathematics and computer sciences. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers a precourse in mathematics (in German) to prepare new students for the following module in mathematics.
Admission to the Bachelor's programme in Business Administration is restricted. Students can apply and be enrolled in both the summer and winter semesters.
What we expect from you:
- Motivation and a will to achieve
- Interest in entrepreneurial or macroeconomic issues
- Analytical thinking abilities as well as an interest in and ability to deal with mathematical methods of presentation
- Proficiency in German, a good or at least working knowledge of the English language
As a graduate with a bachelor degree, you will have career opportunities in a multitude of professions. Thanks to your broad and solid basic education in all sub-disciplines of business administration, a large range of career opportunities will await you, irrespective of which area of specialisation you choose. As a generalist, you can find a job in the following sectors:
- Management positions, consulting
- Staff departments for business administration at large corporations
- Governmental authorities and associations
- There is always the option of starting up one's own company as well.
The specialisation options, moreover, can additionally boost your career prospects:
Specialisation in Finance, Accounting and Taxes
- Accounting and taxes, controlling
- Finance and risk management, auditing and tax consultancy
- Banks, insurance and other financial service providers
Specialisation in Marketing and E-Business
- Marketing, public relations (PR)
- Sales, purchasing, logistics and planning
- Trade, market research, logistics services
Specialisation in Management
- Production, controlling, organisation, human resource management
- Purchasing, logistics and planning, logistics services
Get to know the different professional fields of our graduates in the alumni portraits .
Students can follow up their bachelor degree with further studies like enrolling in a master's degree programme in Germany or abroad. In Göttingen, graduates with a bachelor degree can be admitted to one of the advanced, four-semester master's degree programmes:
- MSc in Finance, Accounting and Taxes (double degree option in cooperation with the University of Ghent, Belgium)
- MSc in Management (double degree option in cooperation with the University of Nanjing, China)
- MSc in Applied Statistics
Related and consecutive/graduate programmes
Consecutive/graduate programmes
The Bachelor's programme in Business Administration is divided into the orientation phase (1st and 2nd semesters) and the in-depth and specialization phase (3rd to 6th semester).
In the orientation phase (1st and 2nd semesters) students acquire knowledge of the basic issues and approaches to solutions of the economic sciences as well as of several important neighbouring disciplines. In addition to knowledge in business and economics, special knowledge in dealing with information and communication systems is acquired, as well as knowledge in the area of the relevant mathematical and statistical methods and law.
The in-depth and specialization studies (3rd to 6th semesters) serve to complete the basic education in business (business in-depth studies). Students may additionally direct their studies towards their own individual interests and occupational desires. The areas within which modules can be selected comprise for example business specialization, economic in-depth knowledge and a great variety of elective courses.
The offered modules in the individual areas enable the students to acquire basic key qualifications for a graduate course of study or practical occupational skills. More detailed information about the structure of the bachelor's programme you will find on the according websites of the Faculty of Business and Economics.
Start of study

Regulations and module directory
- Start:
- Winter and summer semester
- 1st subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Study Economics in Göttingen
Business Administration, Economics, Business and Human Resource Education, Business Information Systems und Economics in combination with a second subject - the Faculty of Business and Economics at the University of Göttingen offers a wide range of courses with five bachelor's and twelve master's programmes. In the film (in German), students from the faculty report on their everyday studies and tell why it is worth studying in Göttingen.
Studying Business Administration in Göttingen
Sophie chose to focus on finance, accounting and taxes in her bachelor's degree. After graduating with a bachelor's degree, she would like to pursue a Master's degree in taxation and later also work in the field of taxation. She tells you what she likes so much about her studies and what tips she has for first-year students in the video (in German).
Websites of the Faculty of Business and Economics for international students
Learn more about our offers for international exchange and degree seeking students.
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Service Centre for Students
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
Room: 1.135, Oeconomicum, 1. Obergeschoss
37073 Göttingen
Phone: +49-551 39 28800