In publica commoda

Medicine (State Examination)


In Göttingen, training in Medicine is carried out in a practical and patient-oriented manner and with a strong scientific foundation. Pre-clinical teaching is designed to be subject-oriented. The clinical parts of the programme are modular and interdisciplinary. The Student Training Centre for Medical Practice and Simulation (STÄPS) – one of the most modern skills labs nationwide – substantially broadens the scope of the courses offered. In addition to learning practical skills, new types of teaching (problem-oriented learning) and examination (OSCE) can be implemented.

State Examination
Language of the programme:
Standard period of study:
12 semesters
winter and summer semesters
limited admission (application to )
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered

Get to know us


The Medicine program provides a strong foundation in the science of medicine while at the same time emphasizing practical and patient-oriented aspects of the field. Its goal is to ensure that students receive comprehensive medical, interdisciplinary and methodical training and acquire:

  • the practical and psychological skills as well as an intellectual and ethical understanding of medicine;
  • the physician’s sense of responsibility to both the individual and the public which is necessary to assist in prevention, diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of illness and disability while taking into account the patient’s psychological and social context, scientific progress, the environment and the society;
  • the ability and readiness to stay involved in continuing medical education and to work together with fellow physicians as well as members of other health professions.

A particular focus of teaching in Göttingen is the acquisition of practical skills for the medical profession. The Student Training Center for Medical Practice and Simulation (STÄPS) was set up specifically for this purpose. In this skills lab, our students use simulators and real medical equipment under medical supervision (but also in student-led tutorials) to practise the basic skills that doctors need to master on their first day at work.

Since 2019, students have had the opportunity to practise clinical procedures in a realistic environment at the UMG teaching hospital .

Special concepts have been developed for bedside teaching and the block practicals in order to maximize learning success. In the last semester before the second state examination, all the content learned so far is looked at again from a different perspective: Here, our students work out the diagnostic and therapeutic procedure - based on symptoms and findings - using the current guidelines.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes



Measles vaccination

A proof of measles protection must be provided for enrollment. The form is to be completed by the primary care physician. If you have any questions, please contact the Dean of Medical Students Office


Start of studies:
Winter and summer semester
1st semester:
admission restricted (application at )
2nd to 11th semester:
admission restricted (application to the university)

Citizen of a member state of the EU or EEA (incl. Germany) or foreign student

Non-German citizen without a German educational qualification

Citizen of a country outside the EU (or stateless person) or graduate of a preparatory college


Academic Advising (preclinical part)

Andrea Roselieb / Esther Hey


Robert-Koch-Str. 40
Room 1.D1.211
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49-551 39 65882


Office hours:
Mo and Thu 12.30 am – 1.30 pm
Tue 9.30 - 10.30 am


Academic Advising (clinical part)

Ulrike Junga-Parschau


Robert-Koch-Str. 40
Room 1 D1 215 (above Sparkasse)
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49-551 39 63383


Office hours:
Mo and Thu 12.30 am – 1.30 pm
Tue 9.30 - 10.30 am
