Marie Schickler
Marie Schickler studied agricultural sciences with a focus on agribusiness at the University of Göttingen from 2018 to 2024. As part of her master's degree, she spent a semester abroad at Wageningen University (WUR), where she focused on consumer studies.Through internships in marketing and market research and working as a student assistant in the EEKlim project at the Chair of Marketing of Food and Agricultural Products, she developed an interest in consumer research in the agricultural sector. In her Master's thesis, she investigated consumer understanding of an environmental label on food products. Since March 2024, she has been working as a research assistant and PhD student at the Chair of Marketing of Food and Agricultural Products at the Georg-August-University of Göttingen. Her thematic focus is on consumer attitudes towards sustainable agricultural systems and the development of communication strategies to promote sustainable agricultural and food systems.
Research focus:
- Consumer attitudes towards sustainable agri-food systems
- Sustainability communication
Research project:
Future of Nutrition in Lower Saxony (ZERN)ZERN is a research and transfer network initiated by the University of Göttingen, the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover Foundation and the German Institute of Food Technology in Quakenbrück, which aims to support the transformation of the agricultural and food system in Lower Saxony. The results of the research alliance should enable the sustainable production, processing and marketing of food.
The work package on consumer acceptance in arable farming addresses societal concerns about agricultural production technologies. The aim of the project is to find terms for appropriate sustainability communication.