In publica commoda

Vice-President for Professorial Appointments
Professor Anke Holler

Professor Anke Holler has been Vice-President at Göttingen University, in addition to her academic role, since April 2021. The University Senate elected the linguist for a first term of two years and a second term of four (until 2027). Holler has been a member of the Senate Commission for Information Management (2013 - 2015) and the Senate Commission for Development and Finance (2015 - 2021) at Göttingen University and has been the Senate's representative for the humanities on the Göttingen Campus Council from 2018 to 2021.

Research Interests

  • Descriptive Grammar of Modern German
  • Formal grammar and linguistic theory
  • Experimental linguistics and text understanding
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Linguistics and literature

Academic and professional career

2011 W3-Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Göttingen
2008 W2-Professor of German Linguistics at the University of Göttingen
2007 Assistant Professor (Juniorprofessorin, W1 tenure track to W2) of Formal Grammar and Psycholinguistics at the University of Göttingen
2006 - 2007 Replacement of a W3 Professorship for Computational linguistics, University of Heidelberg
2005 - 2006 Replacement of a W3 Professorship for German language and its teaching, PH Karlsruhe
2003 - 2007 Postdoctoral researcher at the Department for Computational Linguistics at Heidelberg University
2002 Dr. phil., University of Tübingen
2000 - 2003 Software developer at IBM Germany, and project leader at TEMIS Germany
1997 - 1999 Doctoral Researcher at SFB 340, University of Tübingen
1990 - 1996 M.A. program: Linguistics, Psychology, and Computer Science at University of Tübingen and University of Massachusetts, Amherst (USA)
1987 - 1990 M.A. program: German Studies, University of Leipzig

Awards, scholarships and memberships

2019 Offer of a W3-Professorship at the Freie Universität Berlin (declined)
2018 Offer of a W3-Professorship at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (declined)
2014 Member of AcademiaNet, nominated by Volkswagen Foundation
2011 - 2012 Associate Fellow of the Lichtenberg-Kolleg, University of Göttingen
2011 Offer of a W3-Professorship at the University of Mannheim (declined)
2008 Offer of a W2-Professorship at the University of Wuppertal (declined)
1992 - 1996 Full scholarship of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung

Management and committee responsibilities

since 2023 Member of the Senate and Grants Committee for Research Training Groups of the DFG
since April 2021 Vice-President for Professorial Appointments and Equal Opportunities
since 2018 Senate representative for the humanities on the Göttingen Campus Council (GCC)
since 2015 Member of the Senate Commission for Development and Finance (KEF)
2013 - 2015 Member of the Senate Commission for Information Management (KIM)
2011 - 2015 Editor of the Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft (Journal of Linguistics), lead 2013-2015
2009 - 2021 Spokesperson of the Courant Research Centre "The Multi-layered Text Protocol: Micro and Macro Level Structures in Written Discourse", later Göttingen Centre "Text Structures"
since 2008 Member of the Selection Committee for the Study Support of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
since 2007 Member/deputy member of the Structure and Budget Commission of the Faculty of Humanities
2005 - 2007 Member of advisory board of the German Society for Linguistics

Top Publications

  • Holler, A. (2022). Text. In: Wöllstein, A., Dudenredaktion (Hrsg.), DUDEN - Die Grammatik: 10., völlig neu verfasste Auflage. Berlin: Dudenverlag.
  • Blümel, A. & A. Holler (2022). DP, NP, or neither? Contours of an unresolved debate, Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 7(1): 153, 1-25.
  • Holler, A. (2022). Moderne Syntaxtheorien. In: Klabunde, R., W. Mihatsch & S. Dipper (Hrsg.), Linguistik im Sprachvergleich. J.B. Metzler, Berlin, Heidelberg. 241-291.
  • Holler, A., K. Suckow & I. de la Fuente (Hrsg.) (2020). Information Structuring in Discourse. Leiden: Brill.
  • Holler, A. (2020). Alles eine Frage der Perspektive – Zur sogenannten erlebten Rede im narrativen Text. Zeitschrift für Germanistische Linguistik, 47(1), 28-69.
  • Klages, J., E. Kaiser, A. Holler & T. Weskott (2020). Commonalities and Differences in the Interpretation of Predicates of Personal Taste vs. Relational Locative Expressions: Some Theoretical Considerations and Experimental Evidence. Open Library of Humanities, 6(2): 10, 1-30.
  • Salem, S., T. Weskott & A. Holler (2017). Does narrative perspective influence readers’ perspective-taking? An empirical study on free indirect discourse, psycho-narration and first-person narration. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics 2(1): 61, 1-18.
  • Holler, A. (2013). Reanalyzing German Correlative ‘es’. In: Müller, S. (Hrsg.), Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Stanford: CSLI Publications, 90-109.
  • Ellert, M. & A. Holler (2012). Semantic and Structural Constraints on the Resolution of Ambiguous Personal Pronouns. In: Hendrickx, I., S.L. Devi, A. Branco &
  • R. Mitkov (Hrsg.), Anaphora Processing and Applications. Heidelberg: Springer, 157-170.
  • Holler, A. (2005). Weiterführende Relativsätze. Empirische und theoretische Aspekte. Berlin: Akademie Verlag (studia grammatica 60).

Office of the Vice-President (in German)

Olga Schwarz
Büro der Vizepräsidentin

Tel. +49 551 39-21026
Fax +49 551 39-18-21026

Dr. Annika Kaufmann
i.V. Persönliche Referentin der Vizepräsidentin für Berufungen

Tel. +49 551 39-21059
Fax +49 551 39-18-21059


Appointment and retention matters, in particular:

  • Appointment planning and appointment strategy
  • Appointment monitoring
  • Appointment of professorships

    • Approvals including resource planning
    • Appointment and selection procedures
    • Calls for applications

  • Appointment and retention negotiations
  • Tenure-track for those with professorships and evaluations
  • Joint appointments with cooperation partners
  • Appointments as adjunct professor, awarding of professorships with titles
  • Administration and representation of those with professorships

The following projects:

  • Uni 4.0 Appointment portal
  • Tenure procedure and introduction of tenure board
  • Internationalization of appointment management

Senate Committee for Information Management (KIM)

Departments of the central administration and central institutes

  • Appointment management

Representation of the University in boards of trustees/advisory boards

  • Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen, Member of the Board
  • The Criminological Research Institute of Lower Saxony (KFN), Member of the Board of Trustees
  • Stiftung Privaten Rechts der Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Member of Stiftungsrat

Strategie Berufungen
Strategie Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs - Nachwuchsförderung
unterstützende Maßnahme Berufungsmanagement