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Funding for Applied Research

ZIM R&D Projects

The Zentrale Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand (ZIM), or in English the Central Innovation Programme for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is a nationwide funding program that is open to all technologies and sectors and supports individual and collaborative projects. In the case of R&D cooperation projects, funding is provided for projects involving a company (SMEs with up to 500 employees) and a research institution or at least two companies that are driving forward the development of innovative products, processes or technical services. The technological innovation content and good market opportunities of the funded projects are decisive for funding.

The participating research institutions are funded with up to EUR 220,000 per sub-project (companies up to EUR 450,000 per sub-project).

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ZIM Innovation networks

The funding is aimed at companies that are part of an innovation network consisting of at least 6 SMEs. Other partners, such as research institutions, university institutes, associations, large companies, etc. can also participate. The aim is to work on a subject area in a consortium on the basis of a joint idea for the development and exploitation of innovative products, processes or technical services.

Eligible to apply and receive funding (indirect funding of the companies) are research institutions involved in the network or external network management institutions commissioned by the companies. For national innovation networks, the maximum funding amount for network management is EUR 420,000 in two phases (one and three years). For international innovation networks, funding of up to EUR 520,000 is provided in two phases.

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The BMBF funding initiative "Validation of the technological and social innovation potential of scientific research - VIP+" supports scientists from all disciplines in investigating the extent to which their research can result in an innovative product or a new service.

Individual projects or joint projects with a funding volume of up to 500,000 euros/year are supported for a maximum of 3 years. The assessment takes place four times a year.

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GO-Bio initial

GO-Bio initial supports young research teams from the life sciences in projects whose ideas are not yet developed enough to be funded by GO-Bio or other funding lines. Funding is provided for commercialization ideas in the areas of "therapeutics", "diagnostics", "platform technologies" and "research tools". The projects are funded in two phases - exploratory phase (12 months) and feasibility phase (24 months). The funding can be used as a precursor to VIP+.

Applications can be submitted by February 15 of each year, with projects starting on October 1. The maximum funding volume is 100,000 Euros.

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GO-Bio next

With GO-Bio next, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is pursuing the goal of increasing start-up activities in the life sciences and accelerating the transfer from basic research to application. In the first funding phase, GO-Bio next is aimed at research teams from German universities and research institutions that are interested in founding a company and have already completed a proof-of-principle or proof-of-concept (e.g. as part of GO-Bio initial). In the second funding phase, small technology-oriented capital companies will be funded within the framework of GO-Bio next.

If you are interested in phase 2, please contact the Life Science Factory for consultation.

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EXIST Transfer of Research

EXIST Transfer of Research is a funding program of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology and supports outstanding research-based start-up projects that involve complex and high-risk development work. Research teams at universities and non-university research institutions (a maximum of 3 scientists and technical assistants) and one person with business management expertise are funded. The funding can be between 500.000 to 1.300.000 Euro.

Funding phase I: Research results that have the potential to form the basis of a business start-up are to be further developed so that the basic technical feasibility of the product idea is ensured and a start-up can take place.

Funding phase II: The focus is on commencing business operations and securing external follow-up financing for the company.

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DFG + EU Funding

You can find a detailed overview of national and international research funding here:

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Get into contact with us!

Dr. Liv Kalbitzer
0551 39-24285

Amrie Landwehr
Innovationsscout SNIC
0551 39-26227

Dr. Annemone

Innovationsscout SNIC
0551 39-21738

Florian Pahlke
Social and Cultural Science
0551 39-24283