Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology (B.Sc.)
More than forests and trees: Thanks to courses in natural sciences, engineering, information technology, economics, law and politics, this degree programme offers broad scientific knowledge with a practical connection to the forest and timber. Amongst other things, it will be explained why there are actually forest inventories, how maps are created on computers and why it is better not to build garden furniture from poplar wood. The degree programme will qualify the student for occupations concerning the forest and nature or for a continuing Master's degree programme.
- Name:
- Forestry and Forest Ecology
- Degree:
- Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
- Teaching language:
- German
- Standard period of study:
- 6 semesters
- Start of studies:
- Every winter semester
- Admission:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
- Orientation events:
- Orientation events are offered
- Pre-course:
- Pre-courses are offered
Get to know us

Mathematics, physics and chemistry

Campus Tours
With students on the road
The Bachelor programme mediates the necessary basics for protecting and sustainably managing forests.
This programme offers you a wide range of subjects. Courses in natural sciences, information technology, economics, engineering, law and political sciences impart a broad scientific knowledge with a practical connection to forest and timber. Students are confronted with most recent findings from science and gain expertise in forest ecosystems, sustainable use of forest resources and the conservation of forests habitats against the background of different influences such as environmental factors and human utilization.
Students will gain an understanding of how forests influence climate and global warming, how forest utilisation can contribute to nature conservation. Knowledge is imparted on which potentials are linked to timber resources and how wolf, lynx and other species can be reintroduced to the native wildlife of Germany.
The Bachelor programme of forestry and forest ecology offers you a varied functional training and qualifies you for a professional dedication towards forest and nature as well as for a subsequent Master study.
The subjects in detail are:
Basics in Natural Sciences
- Botany
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Mathematics
- Bioclimatology
- Eco-pedology
- Wildlife Biology
- Zoology and Forest Genetics
Basics in Social Sciences
- Economics and Business Administration
- Law
- Forest Policies
Technical subjects
- Silviculture
- Forest Ecology
- Nature Conservation
- Forest Inventory and Planning
- Wood Biology and Technology
- Forest Exploitation
- Theory of Wood Markets
- Forest Protection
Methodological basics
- Biometry
- Statistics
- Informatics
- Techniques of Presentation
Key Competences
- Languages Skills
- Communication and Team Work
- Consultancy and Leadership Skills
- Time and Project Management
Students can adapt the study programme to their own interests and needs by choosing specific elective modules. They will benefit from the broad range of courses offered by the Faculty of Forest Sciences, and other faculties of the university.
Excursions and exercises outside in the forest are included to impart a practical approach within the programme. Lessons take place in small groups to intensify the learning process and exchange with professors and fellow students.
The length of study is 6 semesters. The bachelor’s examination consists of course-related examinations, an honours thesis and a 3 month internship at a forest enterprise.
The occupational image of forestry is not restricted to a conventional career as a forester. The knowledge of forestry scientists is also in demand within the area of nature conservation, with consultancy and planning offices (p. ex. GIS- and IT-services), in the field of wood industry and trade, at universities and in research institutes as well as in international organizations and in development cooperation.
Related and graduate programmes
Related programmes
Semester 1
- Introduction to Forestry
- Basics of forest botany
- Morphology and systematics of forest plants
- Scientific basics (physics, chemistry)
- Forest Zoology, Wildlife Biology and Hunting
- Applied Computer Science (incl. GIS)
Semester 2
- Bioclimatology
- Tree physiology
- Morphology and systematics of forest plants
- Soil science
- Forest protection
- Elective
Semester 3
- Silviculture
- Fundamentals of economics / timber market theory
- Mass balance of forest ecosystems
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Forest genetics
Semester 4
- Silviculture (exercises)
- Timber harvesting and logistics
- Forestry Business Administration
- Forest inventory (surveying, forest analysis, remote surveying)
- Wood Biology / Wood Technology
- Scientific work
Semester 5
- Internship
- Forest growth and forest management
- Laws
- Nature Conservation / Landscape Conservation
- Public Relations / Forest Education
Semester 6
Regulations and module directory
- Start:
- Winter semester only
- 1st subject semester:
- restricted admission (application to the University)
- 2nd to 6th subject semester:
- open admission (enrolment without previous application)
Virtual campus tour
Invitation to a virtual city - and campus tour. When you start the tour, students explain in short videos what is important there for forestry students.
Your studies

How to become a forester?
Three forestry students from Göttingen report on topics related to forests and trees in their project Forest Explained. Included: a video with forest inspector trainee Leonie. She talks about her path to her dream job as a forester.
Academic Advising
Jutta Hohlstamm
Academic Advising
Büsgenweg 5
DE-37073 Göttingen
Phone: + 49 (0)551 39 29999