In publica commoda

Values and Norms (B.A.) (two subjects/teaching profile)


Values and Norms
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (2 subjects)
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Only the winter semester
Language of the programme:
restricted admission (application to the University)
Orientation events:
at the beginn of your studies orientation events are offered


The degree programme serves to train prospective teachers in the subject "Values and Norms" at grammar schools and comprehensive schools, which can be chosen in Lower Saxony as an alternative to denominational religious education. The programme is designed to familiarise students with the spectrum of different approaches to questions of values and norms and also addresses other issues, e.g. from anthropology and epistemology, political theory, cultural sociology and the history of religion. Therefore, the programme is interdisciplinary and includes courses from the compulsory subjects Philosophy and Religious Studies as well as from the optional subjects such as Sociology, Political Science (Theory of Democracy) and Ethnology. In addition, students gain initial insights into the didactic reflection of the educational goals and teaching methods of the subject. In this way, they get to know the different perspectives and methods of the component and elective subjects and develop contents and skills that form the basis for further teacher training in the Master of Education and in the teacher traineeship.

The subject Values and Norms is not an academic discipline with its own research, but in Göttingen a combination primarily of the subjects Philosophy including Philosophy Didactics and Religious Studies, supplemented by electives from Sociology, Political Science (especially Democratic Theory) and Ethnology. You can find more information on the subject areas and research focuses on the pages of these subjects. For the Values and Norms degree course, the most interesting projects are those related to ethics and related fields. In Philosophy, these are research focuses in Theoretical and Applied Ethics, Political Philosophy, Philosophy of Education and Philosophy Didactics.

Suggested combinations are with the school subject Math, Physics, German, Latin, English, French and Spanish.

In order to read subject-specific texts, proficiency in English language is recommended.

Teaching profession at the Gymnasium

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


Regulations and module directory

Combination of subjects for the teaching profession

Some combinations of subjects with Values and Norms must be approved:


Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
restricted admission (application to the University)
2rd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)

Our Campus

Your Studies


Study and examination advice Faculty of Humanities

Tina Seufer and Eva Wolff

Humboldtallee 17
DE-37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551 39 21888 (Seufer)
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 26713 (Wolff)



Academic Advising

Dr. Stephanie Weber-Schroth
Department of Philosophy

Humboldtallee 19
37073 Göttingen

Phone.: +49-551 39 24787



Student advisory service for teaching profession

Studiendekanat Lehrer*innenbildung
Waldweg 26
DE-37073 Göttingen
