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Economic and Social History (BA) (2-subjects)


Corporations - Globalization - Mass Consumption: How did modern economies and consumer societies emerge? Such questions are investigated at the Institute for Economic and Social History. This interdisciplinary program, with a historical core, uses a wide variety of explanatory approaches from economics, history and the social sciences. The B.A. degree program in Economics and Social History is the only one of its kind on offer nationwide and can be combined with a variety of other subjects.

Economic and Social History
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (2 subjects)
Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Only the winter semester
Language of the programme:
open (enrolment without previous application)
Orientation events:
Orientation events are offered

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Economic and Social History analyses, how the present is shaped by economic and social developments of the past. The program provides an overview over the basic economic and social proceeses of the modern era, with a focus on the 19th and 20th centuries. It traces the transformation from the age of mercantilism to the era of industrialization and the emergence of modern societies.

Special attention is given to business history, the history of consumption and the history of globalization. In its methodological and thematic approach, economic and social history provides an interface between history, economics and the social sciences. Therefore, interdisciplinary courses are a core element of the BA program.

A good working knowledge of the German language is necessary. Courses are mostly taught in German.

Economic and Social History can be combined with related degree programs in economics, history, social sciences or cultural studies is recommended. Other combinations, for example with a cultural studies programs are possible, depending on individual interests.

The program offers a great variety of job opportunities for graduates. These include careers in publishing, in archives and museums. The master's degree also qualifies for careers in public management, business journalism, public relations, consulting or marketing.

The BA degree already integrates practical knowledge through an optional internship program and other forms of cooperation with companies, archives, museums, foundations and research institutions.

Related and consecutive/graduate programmes


In the two-subject Bachelor's programme, two subjects are studied on equal terms.

A total of 180 credits are earned for the Bachelor's degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).

The two subjects each account for 66 credits. The area of professionalisation accounts for 36 credits.

At the beginning of the programme, two consecutive orientation modules (together 17 credits) introduce the concepts and methods of Economic and Social History. Two further modules (together 10 credits) convey the basics of history and economics. Building on this, students acquire overview knowledge and in-depth knowledge of central topics of economic and social history of the 19th and 20th centuries in two advanced and two final modules (together 27 credits). Basic knowledge and skills in Economics are taught in an elective area (12 credits). In the optional part of the 2-subject Bachelor's programme (area of professionalisation), students can complete a subject-related or occupational field-related internship on economic and social history (12 credits) and choose a foreign language or history specialisation (6 credits). At the end of the programme, students write a forty-page Bachelor's thesis (12 credits).

Regulations and module directory


Winter semester only
1st subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)
2nd to 6th subject semester:
open admission (enrolment without previous application)

Non-German citizens without a German educational qualification

Citizen from a non-EU country (or stateless person)


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Study and examination advice Faculty of Humanities

Tina Seufer and Eva Wolff

Humboldtallee 17
DE-37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 (0)551 39 21888 (Seufer)
Phone: +49 (0)551 39 26713 (Wolff)



Academic Advising

Dr. Bruno Witzel de Souza

Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 27073

Homepage des Studienfachs

Academic Advising

PD Dr. Jan Logemann

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen

Phone: +49 551 39 7404
Fax: +49 551 39 12433

Homepage des Studienfachs