In publica commoda

Contact form

Do you have a question or a suggestion or want to give your opinion? Just complete the contact form. You do not have to give your personal details, but if you do we will keep them strictly confidential; naturally you may remain anonymous if you wish. The given information will help us to assess the situation. You can find more information regarding the data protection here. We will be happy to reply by e-mail or telephone, depending on the given contact information.

First name and surname:
Email and / or telephone number:
You are...
Degree programme or subject(s) (including combination):
(Desired) degree:
Topic / Reference (e.g. module / course):
Please state your question / concern / suggestion here:
Have you already adressed this issue to someone else (please state the name)? Were any agreements made?
Declaration of consent

By submitting your data you confirm that you have read our data protection notice and that you accept it.

By submitting this form, you confirm that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.