DIGIS Publications
Journal Articles Software Selected Conference Contributions
Also see the DIGIS Zenodo Community for presentation materials and other resources.
DIGIS Technical Resources
See our GitHub organization for technical documentation and software developed by DIGIS: https://github.com/digis-georoc
Resources include, for example: the new GEOROC2.0 data model, the API project for accessing the new GEOROC2.0 database, and a Jupyter Notebook demonstrating usage of the API.
Project Partners/Collaborators
- GZG: Geoscience Centre Göttingen, Department of Geochemistry and Isotope Geology
- SUB: Göttingen State and University Library
- MPIC: Max Planck Institute for Chemistry
- GWDG: Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen
- Institut für Geowissenschaften, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
- NFDI4Earth: Consortium for national research data infrastructure
- EarthChem: Geochemical data facility at Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University
External Resources
A small selection of institutions that support DIGIS, other geochemical repositories, and services supporting FAIR research. This list is by no means comprehensive or exclusive. If you think we have missed something or would like to be added, please get in touch at digis-info@uni-goettingen.de.
- AGN: AuScope Geochemistry Network
- COPDESS: Coalition for Publishing Data in the Earth and Space Sciences
- DMG: Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft
- DVGeo: Dachverband Geowissenschaften e.V.
- EAG: European Association of Geochemistry
- GFZ: Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum, Bibliothek und Informationsdienste, Helmholtz-Zentrum Potsdam
- IEDA: Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance
- LIS: Scientific Library Services and Information Systems, German Research Foundation (DFG)
- MetBase: Meteorite Information Database
- OneGeochemistry: International initiative to develop standards and best practices for a FAIR global network of geochemical databases
- re3data: Registry of Research Data Repositories