Stellenausschreibungen und Kooperationsangebote
Student helpers for field- und labwork in the RTG
We are regularly looking for student helpers (Bachelor or Master students) to support our PhD students with field- and labwork as well as analyses. Please check our website regularly.Currently we are looking for a student helper interested in supporting a pot experiment on drought stress in the green house. Please see our advertisement for more information.
Cooperation offers - associated PhD students
Ideas for own projects within the RTG 2300 framework are always welcome. In case of interest please contact the scientific coordinator Serena Müller.Apart from the regular PhD positions offered every 3 year, (prospective) PhD students working on related topics are invited to apply as associate doctoral researchers of the RTG 2300. Associated members will not be employed in the RTG, but they can benefit from the facilities and funds (e.g. travel and some research funds) of EnriCo. The acceptance and supervision of associate members is subject to the same criteria and requirements as for doctoral researchers employed by the RTG.
There are numerous options for external funding. Especially foreign (non-German) nationalities are encouraged to check the DAAD website for scholarships and funding.
Bachelor and Master Theses in the context of the RTG
To assist our PhD students with their fieldwork or analysis and to conduct small own research projects in the context of the RTG is a great opportunity to get insights into a bigger research project and to make extensive experiences with field and laboratory work, data acquisition and management, programming and data analysis, and complation of papers and reports in a professional setting. These involvement with scientific work is complemented by an invitation to attend the RTG's guest lecture series and to participate in other qualification events.If you are interested to write your Bachelor or Master Thesis on a topic related to the RTG, please contact one of our principal investigators or talk to one of our current PhD students or our postdoctoral researcher first.
A list of Bachelor and Master's thesis completed can be found here.
Science for Ukraine - Student helper positions for Forestry/Ecology students