What is applied geothermics?
What is applied geothermics?
Geothermics is the science of heat flow in the Earth’s crust leading to a thermal field. Manifold effects in heat transport mechanisms and petrophysical parameters lead to anomalies in the thermal field. Wellbore temperatures are used to map these thermal anomalies and it is the task of geothermal sciences to understand these anomalies by numerical models.In Germany, the subsurface temperatures are compiled, mapped by geostatistics and visualized by the Geothermal Information System GeotIS, developed by LIAG and free accessible under www.geotis.de
Moeck is chair of GeotIS and her team at LIAG works on continues update and extension of GeotIS.
Applied Geothermics is a research topic that aims to capture the heat, which is continuously escaping the crust, and to make use out of it for energy provision. Geothermal energy is a green energy and is the major resource for the heat transition. Developing and using geothermal energy is therefore an important integral part of modern climate protection programs.