Waste Separation and Disposal

Light packaging made of plastic, aluminium, tin or composite materials bearing the symbol “Der Grüne Punkt”.

Organic waste such as food waste, potted plants, potato peels, tea bags etc. as well as garden waste such as fallen branches, leaves, grass, and shrub cuttings. Organic waste is disposed of in the green bin.

Any clean paper products, including packaging material made of paper and cardboard. For paper waste, there is often a blue bin available at your property, which is emptied at regular intervals. In some places, the paper material is simply bundled and placed on the street for collection on collection dates.

Empty non-returnable glass bottles and jars are taken to the glass recycling receptacles and sorted into white, green and brown glass. Bottle banks can be found at central collection points, e.g. near supermarkets. In some places, glass is collected directly at your place of residence. The following materials do not belong in the waste glass: Ceramics, porcelain, stoneware, light bulbs, drinking glasses or fl at glass (e.g. window panes or mirrors). Use of the glass bins should be avoided during quiet hours.

Returnable bottles (Mehrwegflaschen) are marked with a logo to distinguish them from disposable bottles. When you buy a returnable bottle, you pay a deposit. If you return the bottle afterwards, you will get your deposit back. Most supermarkets have deposit machines where you can return the bottles.

Residual waste is defined as all types of waste that do not belong to one of the mentioned groups. Residual waste is disposed of in the black bin.

Bulky waste is defined as waste from private households that does not fit into the residual waste bin due to its bulkiness or weight. The collection of large household appliances such as refrigerators can be ordered with the bulk waste card of your municipality or directly online.

Under no circumstances should you dispose of any devices with cables, rechargeable or disposable batteries with your household waste. Either turn them in at an electrical store or take them to the recycling centre. This also applies to energy-efficient light bulbs.


The International Office
Welcome Centre

Von-Siebold-Straße 4
37075 Göttingen


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