Opening hours of the Physics Dean of Studies Office

Mon - Thu: 9 - 16 h
Fr: 9 - 13 h
If you do not find us during these hours, you can reach us by phone or email (see below).

Portrait Wenderoth quadrat

Prof. Dr. Martin Wenderoth
Dean of Studies

Assistant - General Questions

Mrs. Werle is currently out of office.

Master's applications
Event organisation
Room reservations


Dr. Yvonne Lips
Dean of Studies referent / general student counselling

Urlaub vom 16. - 18.10.2024 sowie vom 04.-08.11.2024

Orientation for prospective students
Study structure/study planning
Questions about study and examination regulations
Challenges in studying
Career entry counselling

Portrait Große-Knetter klein

PD Dr. Jörn Große-Knetter
Inhaltliche Fachstudienberatung B.Sc. Physik

PD Dr. Jörn Große-Knetter
Counselling on the content of the B.Sc. Physics programme

Recognition of achievements
Questions about the profiling area/key competencies

Portrait Vink klein

Dr. Richard Vink
Subject advisor for the M.Sc. in Physics

Application process
Questions about the profiling area/key competences
Recognition of achievements

Portrait Schneider klein

Prof. Dr. Susanne Schneider
Subject-related student advisory service for teachers with physics as a subject

Recognition of achievements
Optional area

Portrait Tilgner klein

Prof. Dr. Andreas Tilgner
Erasmus Programme Officer

Portrait Busch klein

Sandra Busch
Examination Office