

  • von der Lühe, B.; Prost, K.; Birk, J.J.; Fiedler, S. (2020) "Steroids aid in human decomposition fluid identification in soils of temporary mass graves from World War II", Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, accepted in June 2020

  • Rowland, S.J.; Sutton, P.A., von der Lühe, B.; Volkmann, J.K.; Vane, C.H.; Ingram, S.N.; Dunn, C.; Claridge, D. (2020) Ambrein: a minor, but common constituent of mammalian faeces?, Natural Product Research,

  • von der Lühe, B.; Mayes M.W.; Thiel, V.; Dawson, L.; Graw, M.; Rowland, S.; Fiedler, S. (2019) "First evidence of terrestrial ambrein formation in human adipocere", Scientific Reports, 9:18370

  • von der Lühe, B.; Birk, J.J.; Dawson, L.; Mayes, R.W.; Fiedler, S. (2018) "Steroid fingerprints: Efficient biomarkers of human decomposition fluids in soil", accepted 01.08.2018 Organic Geochemistry

  • von der Lühe, B.; Fiedler, S.; Mayes R. W.; Dawson, L. (2017) "Temporal fatty acid profiles of human decomposition fluid in soil", Organic Geochemistry 111, 26-33

  • von der Lühe, B.; Dawson, L. A.; Mayes, R. W.; Forbes, S.; Fiedler, S. (2013) "Investigation of sterols as potential biomarkers for the detection of pig (S. s. domesticus) fluid in soils", Forensic Science International 230, 68-73

  • Non peer-reviewed

  • von der Lühe, B. (2016) "The fate of human decomposition products in soils", PhD thesis, Johannes-Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany

  • von der Lühe, B. (2012) "Investigation of chemical compounds as biomarkers at a pig decomposition site", MSc Thesis, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany

  • von der Lühe, B. (2009) "Die chemische und physikalische Charakterisierung von zwei Bodenprofilen auf der Niederterrasse der nordbadischen Rheinebene." BSc Thesis, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany