Publications and Paper Presentations


  • 2024: Kristina Schneider. "Unity in Diversity is not for us". Lesbi and Trans Men Navigating Gender, Desire, and Islam in Java, Indonesia. Open Access PDF file.
  • 2016: LGBT in Indonesien - aktuelle Entwicklungen. Südostasien Jg. 2016 (1): 36-38.
  • 2015: Alternate ways of doing gender in social spaces? - Über Positionierungsprozesse gleichgeschlechtlich liebender Frauen in Indonesien. In: Lehmann, Sonja; Müller-Wienbergen und Julia Elena Thiel (Hg.), Neue Muster, alte Maschen? Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf die Verschränkungen von Geschlecht und Raum; S. 229-249. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag.

Paper Presentations

  • 11/2017:’’Unity in diversity is not for us‘ - About religious Lesbi(ans) dynamic negotiations of identifications in Yogyakarta, Indonesia’ at Introduction to Diversity Studies Lecture, Göttingen University
  • 11/2017: Speaker and discussant at filmscreening of ‚Madame X‘ within the movie series ‘Southeast Asia on Screen: Young Indonesian Cinema‘, Cologne. Organized by the deutsch indonesischen Gesellschaft and Stiftung Asienhaus
  • 09/2017: ‚Grenzgänge in der Artikulation von Gender – Über räumliche Positionierungsprozesse von maskulinen, gleichgeschlechtlich liebenden Frauen in Indonesien‘ at conference Diversity Netzwerktreffen 2017: Intersektionalitätsperspektiven in der Diversitätsforschung, Göttingen University
  • 08/2016: 'Living Non/Paradoxical' LBT Concepts of self at the intersection of faith and desire? At the U4 Summer School Gender, Göttingen University
  • 02/2016: 'Indonesian LBT Concepts of self at the intersection of faith and desire' at PhD forum of Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation, Berlin
  • 02/2016: 'De/Konstruktion und Bewegungen im Widerspruch - Dynamische Positionierungen und identitäre Verhandlungen religiöser Lesbi in Indonesien? At colloquium of DFG-Research Training Group 1599 ´Dynamics of space and gender´ of the University of Kassel and the University of Göttingen
  • 03/2015: 'Crossing margins of gender and space - Notions on the fluidity of (Butchi) gender expressions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia' at conference 'Whats's hot in Southeast Asia?' The 17th annual Southeast Asia Studies Graduate Conference, SEAP at Cornell University, U.S.A.
  • 02/2015: '(B)orderlands of gender and space - Notions on the fluidity of (Butchi) gender expressions in Yogyakarta, Indonesia' at conference Religion, Gender and Body Politics: Postcolonial, Post-secular and Queer Perspectives at Utrecht University, Netherlands
  • 11/2014: Participation as part of fieldwork on the International Consultation on Church and Homophobia , Jakarta Theological Seminary, Indonesia
  • 09/2014: Participation as part of fieldwork on Young Queer Faith and Sexuality Camp , Young Interfaith Forum on Sexuality, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
  • 10/2013: 'Alternate ways of doing gender in social spaces? Über Positionierungsprozesse indonesischer Lesbi' at the conference Gendered Spaces / Spatialized Gender: Synthese und Perspektiven der Konstitution von Raum und Geschlecht , Kassel University
  • 07/2013: accompanying conference commentary at conference Körpertechnologien: ethnografische und gendertheoretische Perspektiven auf die Refigurationen des Körperlichen . 14th meeting of commission on women and gender studies of German Anthropological Association (GAA) – together with Uta Schirmer
  • 01/2013: ''We are doing it, not appearing like it' Performing lesbi genders in Indonesia' at conference Body - Power - Gende , Göttingen University
  • 10/2012: '(Wie) normale Frauen und Männer? Lesbi in Indonesien', at colloquium of Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, Göttingen University
  • 03/2012: 'Lesbi gender und Sexualität in Indonesien' at Frau. Karriere. Wissenschaft , Göttingen University