Information and application day for master's programmes

The next date is in December 2024. The content of this website will be updated in good time.

The Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Göttingen invites all applicants for the master's programmes to an information and application day in Göttingen. If you will be admitted to a programme, you will receive a written invitation to the information and application day together with your admission documents.

In addition to applicants, interested students are also invited to take part in the event in order to get to know the master's programmes of the Faculty of Business and Economics. If you are interested in participating, please register via the online form. The event language is German.


Date: Friday, 14 June 2024

Time: 08:30 to approx. 16:00

Place: Arrival and registration (Room 0.167, Oeconomicum (faculty building), Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3, 37073 Göttingen)

As of 8:30

Arrival and registration of the participants in the Oeconomicum (Room 0.167)

9:00 to 12:00

Within this time period, all binding selection interviews will be conducted. If you are required to participate in a selection interview for admission, we will send you the exact time of your selection interview in writing.

Applicants who have already received admission are welcome to arrive already at 9:00 a.m. - regardless if you are able to be admitted right away or if you will be invited to a selection interview. A written invitation will be sent to you together with your admission documents.

During this time period, you will also have the opportunity to speak with lecturers and students. In addition, you can attain information from the booths of the Faculty of Business and Economics and of the Student Representatives ("Fachschaftsrat").

10:30 to 11:00

Guided tour of the Economics & Social Sciences Divisional Library in the Oeconomicum

11:00 to 12:00

Campus tour

12:00 to 13:00


13:00 to 13:30

Presentation: "Economic Sciences at the University of Göttingen" - Introduction to the Faculty of Business and Economics and to the University of Göttingen: Prof. Dr. Matthias Schumann, Dean of the Faculty of Business and Economics: Lecture hall ZHG 105 (Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude)

14:00 to approx. 15:00

Presentation of the individual master's programmes by the respective lecturers (Campus Map):

  • Master of Science in Finance, Accounting and Taxes: Verfügungsgebäude (VG), room 0.111

  • Master of Science in Management: Zentrales Hörsaalgebäude (ZHG), lecture hall 104

  • Master of Science in International Economics: Verfügungsgebäude (VG), room 2.103

  • Master of Science in Business Information Systems: Verfügungsgebäude (VG), room 0.110

  • Master of Education in Business and Human Resource Education: Verfügungsgebäude (VG), room 1.101

  • Master of Science in Applied Statistics: Verfügungsgebäude (VG), room 1.104

  • Master of Arts in History of Global Markets: Mehrzweckgebäude/ Blauer Turm (MZG), room 6.144

15:00 to 16:00

  • Master of Science in Development Economics: Oeconomicum (Oec), room 0.211

A group of young men and women are sitting at a table. A woman and a man are looking at a mobile phone that the man is holding. The other two men are talking.


Dr. Yvonne Siebert

Representative of the Dean of Studies

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Faculty of Business and Economics

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3

37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-28808


Gesche Quent
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Faculty of Business and Economics
Communication and Marketing
Platz der Göttinger Sieben
37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39-25847