Immatriculation: How to do?
The immatriculation at the Georg-August-University is obligatory for all PHD-students. Please enroll proximate after recieving the acceptance form for the Program of Environmental Informatics.
The first-time inscription process is made up of three steps.
1. Use the online-register form in order to recieve an registration number.
2. Tranfer the semester fee (please use your registration number to identify your transfer)
3. Inscribe with the following documents:
- Your PEI acceptance form
- The proof of your transfer of the semester fee
- Certified copies of your diploma (master)
- A certificate of your health insurance coverage
- If so, a certifaction of your studentship
For all student from outside the european community, which will enroll the first time at a german university, you will find a small quide for the registration process below. All other students, please check the website of our university for further informations.