Our former employees have contributed to our department in various roles and projects, helping to shape it into what it is today. We are proud to acknowledge their experiences, expertise, and achievements and continue to consider them as part of our community.
Postdoctoral Researchers
Doctoral Researchers
Dr. Jan Moritz Anke
Dr. Shanna Appelhanz
Dipl.-Kfm. Heiko Bartlog
Dr. Tobias Behrensdorf
Dr. Stefan Bitzer
Dr. Jan Eric Borchert
Dr. Ole Brodersen
Dr. Markus Burghardt
Dr. Julian Busse
Dr. Patricia Böning-Spohr
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Felix Böse
Dr. Thorsten Caus
Dr. Stefan Christmann
Dr. Andre Daldrup
Dr. Jasmin Decker
Dr. Mike Dobrindt
Dipl.-Kffr. Heide Duczmal
Dr. Pascal Freier
Dr. Arne Frerichs
Dr. Stefan Friedemann
Dr. Philipp Goos
Dr. Wolfgang Greve-Kramer
Dr. Stefan Gröger
Dr. Philipp Hartmann
Dr. Jochen Heimann
Dr. Hendrik Hilpert
Dr. Thomas Hoch
Dipl.-Kfm. Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Mirko Ische
Dr. Ralf Itter
Dipl.-Ök. Thomas Janas
Dr. Christian Kaspar
Dr. Marco Klein
Dr. Janne Kleinhans
Dr. Michaela Knust
Dr. Kevin Koch
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Rolf Kollmannsperger
Dr. Hans-Jörg Kremer
M.Sc. in Wirtsch.-Inf. Aline Lange
Dipl.-Hdl. Claus Lassahn
Dr. Martin Lehnert
Dr. Yang Liu
Dr. Thomas Lohrbach
M.Sc. in Wirtsch.-Inf. Benjamin Löwe
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Marco Melas
Dr. Adam Melski
Dr. Raphael Meyer von Wolff
Dr. Jörg Müller
Dr. Tobias Nießner
Dr. Björn Ortelbach
Dr. Björn Pilarski
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Inf. Stefan Radzom
B.Sc. in Wirtsch.-Inf. Anke Rehbein
M.Sc. Sebastian Rohmann
Dipl.-Kfm. Frank Rosenthal
Dr. Jan Sauer
Dr. Robert Schmaltz
Dr. Ulrike Schumann-Giesler
Dr. Lutz Seidenfaden
Dipl.-Kfm. André Spielmann
Dr. Lars Thoroe
M.A. in Nachhalt. Wirtsch. Nils Thonemann
Dr. Christian Tornack
Dr. Antonios Tzouvaras
Dr. Andrea Töllner
Dr. Ernst v. Stegmann u. Stein
Dr. Tim Veil
M.Sc. in Wirtsch.-Inf. David Weber
M.Ed. in Wirtsch.-Päd. Hilke Weimeier
Dr. Henrik Wesseloh
Dr. Oliver Wohlgemuth
Dr. Steffen Zenker
M. Sc. Mohsen Ziaeetabar
M. Sc. Mustafa Pamuk
Business Information Systems
Professorship for Application Systems and E-Business
Prof. Dr. M. Schumann
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Tel. +49 551 39-24442