FALCONER, Hugh 1808 - 1865
born: Forres, Morayshire died: London
Doctor and botanist, superintendent of the botanical gardens at Saharanpur and Calcutta. Prof. for botany at Calcutta Medical College.
Biography: BURKILL 1965.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 4: 518 - 519. 1971.
Herbarium: K
GOET: India, "Herb. late East India Co." (hb. Gris.).
FENDLER, August 1813 - 1883
born: Gumbinnen died: Trinidad
Tanner apprenticeship. Left North America in 1836 temporarily working as businessman and farmer. Worked as plant collector in New Mexico (1846 - 47), Panama (1850), Venezuela (1854 - 58) and Trinidad.
Biography: Bot. Gaz. 9: 111 - 112. 1884.
Bot. Gaz. 10: 285 - 290, 301 - 304, 319 - 322. 1885.
Symb. Ant. 3: 47. 1902.
EWAN 1981.
Herbarium: Most importantly GH, MO, GOET
GOET: New Mexico: "Plantae Novo - Mexicanae" 1847. "Pl. Venezuelanae" 1856 -
57 (Tovar colony). (Hb. Gris.).
Comments: For more on the situation of the "Colonia Tovar" see also Taxon 30: 816 -
817. 1981.
Lists of the collections: Contr. Gray Herb. 212: 1-70. 1982 (New Mexico) Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard.
73: 520-532. 1986 (Venezuela).
FENZL, Eduard 1808 - 1879
born: Krummnußbaum (north Austria) died: Vienna
Botanist (systematist). Assistant curator and then curator (from 1840) and head of the court's botanical display in Vienna. Prof. of botany (from 1849) and director of the botanical gardens at Vienna University.
Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 12: 1 - 11. 1862.
Bot. Zeitung. 38: 1 - 13. 1880.
Almanach Kais. Akad. Wiss. Wien 30: 145 - 162. 1880.
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 1: 299. 1957.
Canollea 29: 503 - 504. 1974.
Herbarium: W
GOET: Steiermark, Vienna (Hb. Phil.).
FIEBRIG, Carl (Karl) August Gustav 1869 - 1951
(also: FIEBRIG - GERTZ, Carlos)
born: Hamburg died: Tucumán (Argentina)
Botanist and zoologist, collected specimens in Paraguay and Bolivia from 1902 onwards. 1910 - 36; prof. of botany and zoology at the university of Asunción and director of a botanical and zoological garden. 1934 - 36; director of des Departamento de Agricoltura. 1936 - 45; lecturer at the Latin-American institute in Berlin.
Biography: Physis, Buenos Aires 20: 526. 1954.
Revist. Sudamer. Bót. 10: 248. 1956.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 68a: 151 - 152. 1955.
FUNK & MORI 1989: 7.
DITTMANN in "De orbis Hispani linguis litteris historia moribus", Festschrift
für D. Briesemeister zum 60. Geb.: 1489-1522. 1994.
GOET: Bolivia "Plantae austro - bolivienses", 1903 - 04. Paraguay "Plantae
paraguayenses" 1902. N. Paraguay, 1908 / 09.
FINCKE, August 1805 - 1873
born: Lissa died: Krappitz (Schles.)
Pharmacist in Oppeln and Krappitz, Flora specialist.
Biography: DAB 1: 163. 1975.
GOET: Silesia (Hb. Gris).
FINSCHOW, Günter R. H. 1926 -
born: Mainz - Kastell
Employee at the tax office in Bremen. Mycologist, honary assistant at the "Überseemuseum",
official fungi specialist.
Biography: From communications from H. KUHBIER and K. LEWEJOHANN.
GOET: Pityusen (see also KUHBIER).
FINTELMANN, [Gustav Adolf 1803 – 1871]
born: Berlin died: Charlottenburg near Potsdam
Gardener, finally court gardener on the "peacock island" near Potsdam. Dendrologist.
Biography: Bot. Zeitung. 29: 239 - 240. 1871.
GOET: Bavaria (Hb. Vo.) - first names are not recorded; therefore the identity of the
collector is not certain.
FIORI, Adriano 1865 - 1950
born and died in Casinalbo (Modena)
Botanist, 1892 - 1900; assistant in Padua. 1990 - 1913; prof. at the foresty institute in Vallombrosa.
1913 - 36; prof. in Florence. Co - worker on the "Flora analitica d'Italia" and editor of the "Nuova flora
analitica d'Italia".
Biography: Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 60: 697 - 706. 1953.
Herbarium: FI
GOET: Northern Italy, 1885 (Hb. Vo.).
FIRBAS, Franz 1902 - 1964
born: Prague died: Göttingen
Botanist (history of vegetation, ecology). Assistant and later private lecturer in Prague, Frankfurt
and Göttingen. Ordinary prof. at the universities of Hohenheim, Strasbourg and Göttingen.
Founded the "systematic - geobotanical institute" at the University of Göttingen. Pioneer in the
area of pollen analysis and their use in constructing a vegetational history.
Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 77: (224) - (237). 1965.
Jahrb. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen 1964: 115 - 132.
Pollen et Spores 6: 637 - 640. 1964.
Taxon 14: 77 - 83. 1965.
Herbarium: GOET, small collection from excursions, especially to the Alps.
FISCHER, Christian Abraham 1785 - 1836
Inspector at the botanical gardens in Göttingen ca. 1821 - 1836.
Herbarium: GOET (acc. 1837). Relatively substantial herbarium, including plants from the
botanical gardens as well as from areas around Göttingen. A few specimens come
from other collectors.
FITSCHEN, Jost 1869 - 1947
born: Brest, Stade district died: Hamburg - Altona
Teacher in Geversdorf on the Oste, Magdeburg and Hamburg - Altona (finally as rector at a
"Volkschule"). Flora specialist and dendrologist, editor of the "Flora von Deutschland",
"SCHMEIL & FITSCHEN", of which there have been several editions since 1904 and the
"Gehölzflora" (1920).
Biography: Die neue Volkschule (Bonn) 2: 383 - 389. 1951.
Herbarium: HBG
GOET: A few spec, Hanover prov.
Teacher in Lotte, Tecklenburg district (from RUNGE 1967: 30).
Herbarium: MSTR
GOET: A few bryophytes, Westphalia (Hb. Solms).
FLEISCHER, Franz 1801 - 1878
born: Lausigk died: Hohenheim
Pharmaceutical apprenticeship, later studied medicine. Doctor and teacher for natural sciences in
Switzerland, prof. in Hohenheim from 1840.
Biography: RATZEBURG 1872: 178 - 180.
K. BAUR 1970: 247 - 249.
Herbarium: Partly (Carex) STU
GOET: W - Turkey (Smyrna = Izmir), 1827 (for the Unio itineraria; Hb. Gris., Pae.).
FLEISCHER, Richard Paul Max 1861 - 1930
born: Lipine, Upper Silesia died: Menton Garavan
Artist and bryologist. Apprenticeship at the art academy in Breslau, Berlin, Munich and Paris.
Studied geology in Zürich. Self - taught botanist. 1898 from Java. "Musci der Flora von Buitenzorg"
Proposed a new moss classification. Explored areas of south Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and
South America. Promoted batik techniques in Europe. 1913 - 1926; temporary scientific assistant
at the botanical museum in Berlin. 1923 Dr. h. c. at the University of Utrecht and later in The
Biography: Ann. Crypt. Exot. 3: 161 - 167. 1930.
Ann. Bryol. 4: 113 - 122. 1931.
Fl. Males. ser. I. 1: 167. 1950.
NDB 5: 232. 1961.
Englera 1. 1979.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 106-109.
Herbarium: FH
GOET: "Musci Archipelagici Indici exsiccati" Nr. 1 - 500. Australia, New Zealand, 54
Nr. (ex B).
FLÖRKE, Heinrich Gustav 1764 - 1835
born: Altenkalden (Mecklenburg) died: Rostock
Botanist (lichenologist). Later studied theology. Home tutor (”Hofmeister”, with his pupil at the
university of Göttingen). Later worked as pastor. Studied medicine in Jena from 1797. Co-worker
on an encyclopedia from 1799 to 1815. Prof. of zoology, botany and natural history at the
University of Rostock (1816 onwards).
Biography: Arch. Ver. Freunde Naturgesch. Meckl. 10: 90 - 102. 1856.
Flora 50: 186 - 190, 205 - 208. 1867.
Wiss. Z. Univ. Rostock, Math. - nat. R. 17: 260. 1968.
GRUMMANN 1974: 12.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 109.
Herbarium: (1st until 1816, see also URBAN 1917: 13): B (†). (2nd): ROST.GOET:
Lichens, a few specimens.
FLOTOW, Julius Christian Gottlieb Ulrich Gustav Georg Adam Ernst Friedrich von
1788 - 1856
born: Pitzerwitz / Neumark died: Breslau
Officer (early retirement due to a war injury). Botanist (lichenologist). Private scholar in Hirschberg
from 1824 onwards.
Biography: Bot. Zeitung. 14: 662 - 664. 1856.
Bonplandia 4: 294 - 296. 1856.
Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 34: 50 - 51. 1856 / 57.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 110.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: Lichens.
FÖRSTRÖM, Johan Eric 1775 - 1824
born: Trastrand, Dalarne district died: Munktrop, Vestmanland district
Swedish preacher and doctor, 1803 - 15 on the Antille island of St. Barthelemy. Later priest and
”Probst” in Sweden.
Biography: Symb. Ant. 3: 48. 1902.
Herbarium: S
GOET: A few specimens from the Lesser Antilles: St. Barthelemy (Hb. Mey.) - the
collector is recorded here as priest "ERFORSSTROEM".
FORSTER, Johann Georg Adam 1754 - 1794
born: Nassenhuben near Danzig died: Paris
1772 - 75; Naturalist. Sailed with his father on COOK's second world voyage. Wrote a famous
description of the journey ("Reise um die Welt") and worked on the collected plant specimens.
Prof. of natural history in Kassel (1779 - 84) and Wilna (1784 - 87). Married Therese HEYNE, the
daughter of a prof. at Göttingen University. Librarian in Mainz. Due to his support for the French
Revolution, he became unpopular in Germany during the last years of his life.
Biography: ADB 7: 172 - 181. 1878.
MERRILL 1954, Chron. Bot. 14: 163 - 383. ("The botany of Cook's
KURZ, P. (o.J.), Georg Forster. Das Abenteuer seines Lebens. Ebenhausen b.
KERSTEN, K. 1957: Der Weltumsegler. Johann Georg Adam Forster. 1754
- 1794. Bern.
NDB 5: 301. 1961.
Dict. Scient. Biogr. 5: 75 - 76. 1972.
KELM, H. & D. HEINTZE 1976: Georg Forster 1754 - 1794.
Südseeforscher - Aufklärer - Revolutionär. Roter Faden zur Ausstellung 3.
Frankfurt a. M. and Bremen.
Henze 2: 263-265. 1981.
BECK 1982: 54-82.
Abh. Akad. Wiss. DDR, Abt. Math., Naturwiss.,Technik 1985, N 2: 111-116
(connections with A. v. HUMBOLDT).
WAGENITZ 1988: 59-60.
WAGENITZ 1994: Georg Forsters botanische Sammlungen und ihre
Auswertung. In: Georg Forster in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Edit. C.-V.
KLENKE. p.179-190. Berlin.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 112-113.
Bibliography: FIEDLER, H. 1971: Georg - Forster - Bibliographie 1767 - 1970. Berlin.
Herbarium: An actual "FORSTER - Herbarium" does not exist anymore. Over the years
father and son either sold or gave away sets of the plants collected on the world
voyage, (in varying amounts). Compare with R: C. CAROLIN 1963, Proceed.
Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales 88: 108 - 111.
GOET: 326 Nr., specimens from FORSTER 1786, Fl. Insul. Austral. Prodr. (including;
New Zealand, New Caledonia, Tahiti). Photos available in the internet.
Apart from GOET, specimens are also known to exist in the following herbaria:
B, B - WILLD (Willdenowia 1: 778 - 780. 1957; 5: 279 - 294. 1969),
BM (J. Bot., London 23: 360 - 368. 1885. Taxon 19: 523. 1970),
C (Allertonia 7(5) : 307-361. 1998),
K, KIEL, L, LE (Novit. Syst. Plant. Vasc. 17: 246 - 254. 1980),
LINN, LIV, MW (Bot. Žurn. 44: 135 - 137. 1959. Trudy Inst. Istorii, Estestv. Techn.
AN SSR 36: 176 - 201. 1961),
P (Ann. Sci. Nat., Bot. sér. 2. 6: 297 - 320, 7: 177 - 192, 241 - 255. 349 - 370. 1836/
37. Plants from Tahiti, descriptions partly found in manuscripts from FORSTER in P),
FORSTER, Johann Reinhold 1729 - 1798
born: Dirschau (Tczew, south from Danzig) died: Halle a. d. S.
Naturalist. Zoologist, Ethnologist and geographer. Priest in Nassenhuben. Worked as teacher
and freelance writer in England (from 1766). 1772 - 75; travelled with his son on COOK's second
world voyage. Prof. of natural history and mineralogy in Halle from 1780.
Biography: ADB 7: 166 - 172. 1878.
NDB 5: 301 - 302. 1961.
Dict. Scient. Biogr. 5: 76 - 77. 1972.
M.E. HOARE 1976: The Tactless Philosopher. Johann Reinhold Forster.
Melbourne. (thorough biography, including information about his botanical
work; S. 138 ff.).
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 113-114.
Herbarium, GOET: see also FORSTER, J. G. A.
FORTUNE, Robert 1812 - 1880
born: Berwickshire died: Brompton
English gardener. 1843 - 61; collected specimens from China, Japan, Luzon etc.
Biography: Gard. Chron. N. S. 13: 487 - 489. 1880.
BRETSCHNEIDER 1898: 403 - 518.
Fl. Males. ser. I. 1: 179 - 180. 1950.
J. R. Hort. Soc. 80: 265 - 269, 276 - 280. 1955.
J. R. Hort. Soc. 97: 401 - 409. 1972.
Herbarium: BM, K
GOET: China (acc. 1868).
FOWLER, James 1829 - 1923
GOET: Canada (New Brunswick) "Flora Canadensis, N. B." (acc. 1875).
FRAHM, Jan - Peter 1945 -
born: Hamburg
Botanist (bryologist). 1976; private lecturer, later prof. at the university of Duisburg, and now at the
university of Bonn.
Biography: KÜRSCHNER ed. 13th 1980.
GOET: Bryophytes: "Campylopodes Brasiliae exsiccatae", Fasc. I.- VI. Nr. 1 - 150. See
also Herzogia 5: 103 - 110. 1979. – „Campylopodes Malaysiae exsicc. Nr. 1-12. –
Bryophyta Vogesiaca exsiccatae. Nr. 1-200 (acc. 1991/92).
FRANK, Joseph C. 1805 - 1835
died: in the USA
Doctor. At first in Rastadt ("Rastadts Flora", Heidelberg 1830), moved to the USA in 1832 where he
collected plant specimens for the "Unio itineraria".
Biography: BAUR 1970: 250.
GOET: USA, near Ohio, ca. 1835 (Hb. Bg., Gris.).
Secondary school teacher in Luckenwalde and later in Dortmund.
(Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 40: CXXXIX. 1899).
GOET: Bryophytes, Mark Brandenburg (Hb. Vo.).
FREITAG, Helmut 1932 -
born: Berlin
Botanist (systematics and vegetation science). Scientific assistant at the academic institue in
Potsdam and at the botanical institute in Hohenheim. 1966 - 70; head of the botanical institute at
the University of Kabul. 1970; habilitation in Hohenheim and then lecturer in Göttingen. Prof. at the
university of Kassel from 1977-1987, where he is still active after his retirement.
Biography: Information communicated by the author
Herbarium: Privately owned
GOET: A few specimens (types) Afghanistan. Iran (Turan area), 1976 / 78, ca. 600 Nr.
Spain, 1964, ca. 230 Nr.
FREYN, Joseph Franz 1845 - 1903
born: Prague died: Smichow
Engineer and botanist. Involved in the construction of the railways as engineer. Owner of
construction business in Prague from 1881. Worked on the flora of Hungary, south Istria, far east
and central Asia. Ranunculacean specialist.
Biography: Österr. Biogr. Lex. 1: 360. 1957.
Österr. Bot.Z. 53: 99 - 104. 1903.
Mag. Bot. Lap. 2: 50 - 52. 1903.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 22: (15) - (21). 19905.
GOET: Siebenbürgen, 1871 (Hb. Pae.). Istria, 1876 (Hb. Roth).
FRIEDRICHSTHAL, Emanuel Ritter von 1809 - 1842
born: Brünn died: Vienna
Moravian landowner. Explorer. Travelled in south east Europe from 1834 - 36, and in Central
America (1837 - 41).
Biography: WURZBACH, Biogr. Lex. Oest. 4: 359 - 360. 1858.
ADB 8: 68. 1878.
Symb. Ant. 3: 49. 1902.
Herbarium: W
GOET: Greece, Macedonia, Rumelia (Hb. Gris.). - collection numbered (small piece of
paper with slit).
Revisions by: A. GRISEBACH 1843 - 46: Spicilegium florae rumelicae et bithynicae.
Itinerary: E. FRIEDRICHSTHAL 1838: Reise in den südlichen Theilen von
Neugriechenland. Leipzig.
FRIES, Elias Magnus 1794 - 1878.
born: Femsjö / Småland died: Uppsala
Botanist (systematist, important as a mycologist and lichenologist). Lecturer at Lund University.
Prof. of botany in Uppsala from 1835.
Biography: R. FRIES 1952: Swedish Men of Science. p. 178 - 185.
Svenskt Biogr. Lex. 16: 522 - 526. 1964 - 66.
Dict. Sci. Biogr. 5: 190 - 192. 1972.
Herbarium: UPS
GOET: "Lichenes Sueciae esx." (Nr. 1 - 60). Lichens, a few specimens.
FRITZE, Richard 1841 - 1903
born: Rybnik (OberSilesia)
Pharmacist. 1883 - 1900; land owner in Rydultau near Rybnik. Flora specialist, travelled in the
Tatra (with ILSE), Madeira, the Canaries, Spain and Norway.
Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Herbarium: Bryophytes in B (†)
GOET: Karpaten, 1868 (Hb. Pae.), Sudeten, Schles. Gesenke (Hb. Pae., Vo.).
FRIVALDSZKY von FRIVALD, Emerich (Imré) 1799 - 1870
born: Bacskó died: Jobbágyi
Doctor, botanist and entomologist. Curator of the national museum in Budapest (1822 - 51). Sent
C. HINKE and MANOLESKO to the Balkans as collectors, where he also collected specimens
himself from 1835 to 1836.
Biography: Linnaea 33: 594 - 595. 1865.
Österr. Bot. Z. 20: 383 - 384. 1870.Q
Österr. Biogr. Lex. 1: 371 - 372. 1957.
Herbarium: BP
GOET: Balkan (Hb. Gris.)
Revisions by: A. GRISEBACH 1843 - 46: Spicilegium florae rumelicae et bithynicae.
FUCHS, (Ernst ?)
"Dr. FUCHS", probably Ernst FUCHS, teacher at the agricultural college in Kappeln a.d.Schlei
(see also FISCHER - BENZON 1889).
GOET: Schleswig (mainly Rubus).
FUERTES (LORÉN), Miguel Domingo, Padre 1871 -
born: Daroca (Zaragoza district)
Priest, initially in South America, then in Central America and finally from 1909 in Barahona in the
Dominican Republic. Encouraged by H.v. TÜRCKHEIM to become a plant collector, 1912; explored
the centre of the island.
Biography: Symb. Ant. 7: 482 - 483. 1913.
GOET: Dominican Republic "Flora Domingensis", 1910 - 12.
Revisions by: URBAN 1913, Symb. Ant. 7: 482 ff.
FUNCK, Heinrich Christian 1771 - 1839
born: Wunsiedel died: Gefrees
Pharmacist in Erlangen and (from 1808) in Gefrees in the Fichtel mountains. Cryptogam specialist
(particulary bryologist).
Biography: ADB 8: 196 - 197. 1878.
Decheniana 119: 131 - 140. 1968.
DAB 1: 185 - 186. 1975.
MÄGDEFRAU 1978: 142.
E. HERTEL 1995: Ein Leben im Dienst der Wissenschaft: der Gefreeser
Apotheker und Botaniker Heinrich Christian Funck (1771-1839). = Bayreuther
Arbeiten zur Landesgeschichte und Heimatkunde 12. Bayreuth.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 120-121.
Herbarium: Bryophytes, M
GOET: "Cryptogamische Gewächse des Fichtelgebirg's". Leipzig 1801 - 08. 12 fascicles
(265 Nr.).
Comments: 42 fascicles were published with a total of 865 Nr.
FUNCK, Nic(h)olas 1816 – 1896
GOET: Palmae (Arecaceae) coll. by FUNCK & SCHLIM
FUSS, Johann Michael 1814 - 1883
born: Hermannstadt (Sibiu) died: Groß - Scheuern, Siebenbürgen
Teacher (grammar school prof. in Hermannstadt), priest and botanist.
Biography: Linnaea 33: 616 - 618. 1865.
GOMBOCZ 1936:445-451.
ZANDER 141th ed. 1993.
BARTH 1980: 130 - 134.
Herbarium: SIB
GOET: Romania (Karpaten, Transsilvania australis, Hb. Gris.).