Elena Schaffeld
Research assistant
Curriculum vitae
- since 11/2023: Research assistant at the Chair of Criminal Law and Criminology at the University of Göttingen
- since 11/2023: Doctoral studies at the University of Göttingen
- 2020-2023: Studied sociology at the University of Bielefeld, M.A. degree.
- 10/2022-11/2023: Research assistant in the DFG project Intergenerationale Transmission von Gewalt (Prof. Dr. Christina Beckord)
- 04/2021-03/2023: Tutor for Statistics I and Statistics II, Bielefeld University
- 01/2020-12/2022: Student and research assistant in the DFG projectKriminalität in der modernen Stadt (Prof. Dr. Jost Reinecke & Prof. Dr. Klaus Boers)
- 2015-2020: Studied sociology at the University of Bielefeld, B.A. degree.
- Alexander Baur, Christina Rueß, Elena Schaffeld und Jörg M. Fegert: Zur Absenkung der Strafmündigkeitsgrenze, in: KriPoZ 2024, 245-250.
Research project: Experiences, everyday working life and safety in probation services (EbASiB). A criminological study among probation officers