E-Learning delegates from the faculties and institutions

The E-Learning delegates are contact persons for teachers and students for questions and ideas at all faculties. They are named by the respective faculty councils and represent the interests of the digitalisation of teaching and learning at your faculty in the interdisciplinary board of e-learning representatives. Regular meetings of the e-learning steering committee are held to discuss and prepare measures for implementing, establishing e-learning, for networking the central and decentral activities at the University of Göttingen.

The committee is augmented by representatives of SUB, studIT and the Department of Public Relations.


Prof. Dr. Andrea Dorothea Bührmann
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Phone. + 49 551 39 26553
Fax. + 49 551 39 26538

Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Brümmer
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 24811
Fax. +49 551 39 24816

Faculty of Biology

Dr. Maike Tech

Prof. Dr. Margarete Boos
Goßlerstraße 10
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 25484


Prof. Dr. Dietmar Stalke
Tammannstr. 4
37077 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39-23000

Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology

Dr. Reinhold Meyer
Büsgenweg 4
37077 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 23466
Fax. +49 551 39 23465

Geoscience and Geography

Dr. Stefan Erasmi
Goldschmidtstr. 5
37077 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 8003
Fax. +49 551 39 8006

Faculty of Law

Dr. Sabine Hohmann-Fricke
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5 (MZG)
37073 Göttingen

Tel. +49 551 39 4411


Mathematics and Computer Science

Prof. Dr. Dieter Hogrefe
Goldschmidtstr. 7
37077 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 172001
Fax. +49 551 39 18172000

Prof. Dr. Max Wardetzky
Lotzestraße 16-18
37083 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 -39 26778
Fax. +49 551 39 23944

Medical Center

Prof. Tobias Raupach
Robert-Koch-Str. 40
37075 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 8922/19814

Supported by

Christian Münscher
Robert-Koch-Str. 40
D-37075 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 63744
Fax. +49 551 39 8234

Faculty of Humanities

Dr. phil. Jörg Wettlaufer
Papendiek 16
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 37047


Prof. Dr. Ariane Susanne Frey
Friedrich-Hund-Platz 1
37077 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 26888
Fax. +49 551 39 27632

Technical support by

Arne Gerdes
Bunsenstr. 3-5
37073 Göttingen

Social Sciences

Prof. Dr. Steffen-Matthias Kühnel
Goßlerstraße 19
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 21528
Fax. +49 551 39

Faculty of Theology

Aneke Dornbusch
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 2
37073 Göttingen
Phone. + 49 551 39 27111

Faculty of Economic Sciences

M. Sc. Daniel Leonhardt
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 5
37073 Göttingen
Phone. 0551 39 21177

Göttingen State and University Library (SUB)

IT Department (StudIT)

Thomas Dirks
Goßlerstr. 5/7
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 24860
Fax. +49 551 39 18 2 48 60

Zentrale Einrichtung für Sprachen und Schlüssel-qualifikationen (ZESS)

Giulia Covezzi
Goßlerstr. 10
37073 Göttingen
Phone. +49 551 39 24905
Fax. +49 551 39 1825484

You can find the members of the steering committee here.