Research Interests
• Formation and preservation of stable isotope signals (S, C, O, N) in extreme environments
• Mineral-microbe interactions in sedimentary systems
• Sulfur cycling during carbonate diagenesis and sedimentary dolomitization
• Sulfate incorporation in carbonates

Short CV
Since 2024     Postdoc at Department for Geobiology, University of Göttingen
2022 - 2024   Postdoc at Department of Biology and Environmental Science,
                        Linnaeus University Kalmar
2021 – 2022  Maternity leave
2020 – 2021  Postdoc at Institut für Geologie, Technische Bergakademie Freiberg
2018 – 2020  Postdoc at Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Kentucky
2013 – 2017  PhD candidate at the Department for Geology and Palaeontology, University of Münster.
                        PhD thesis: Incorporation and Diagenesis of Carbonate
                        Associated Sulfate - A Geochemical Study on naturally and
                        artificially altered Carbonates (Advisors: Harald Strauss, Adrian Immenhauser)
2012               Geology/Paleontology Diploma at University of Cologne. Diploma thesis: Barium isotope
                        compositions in primitive chondrites (Advisors: Carsten Münker, Frank Wombacher)