Dr. Friederike Sieve

Research interest

  • Resource use efficiency in grassland
  • Grassland utilization and water quality

Current project

Waterbuddies3: Development and evaluation of measures for the reduction of nutrient inputs in drainage systems of grassland in northern Germany

Short CV

Since 2019: PhD Student at Georg August Uni Göttingen

2018: Research assistant in a PhD project from Leuphana Uni Lüneburg in South Africa, Western Cape

2015-2018: M. Sc. Agricultural Science, Georg August Uni Göttingen

Thesis: Multi-temporal near-surface sensing techniques using low cost digital cameras as tools in forecasting productivity and quality of different swards - Lessons learned from application in a grass, clover and chicory experiment

2011-2015: B. Sc. Ecosystem Management, Georg August Uni Göttingen


Sieve, F., Isselstein, J., Kayser, M. 2021: Short-term changes of the δ15N natural abundance of aboveground biomass and topsoil in temperate grassland – Effects of prolonged summer drought. Ecological Indicators 133 (2021) 108359. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108359

Sieve, F., Isselstein, J., Kayser, M. 2023: 13C analysis of cow tail hair and farm slurry can be used to implicitly distinguish between different dairy production systems. Ecological Processes (2023) 12:7. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-023-00420-5

Sieve, F., Isselstein, J., Kayser, M. 2023: Dreijährige Stoffstrombilanzierung auf Milchviehbetrieben in Nordwest-Niedersachsen unter Anwednung der Novellierungsvorschläge aus dem Evaluierungsbericht der Stoffstrombilanzverordnung (StoffBilV). Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, Band 101, Ausgabe 2.