Literatur und Literaturvermittlung im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung
The German Research Foundation (DFG) Research Training Group "Literature and Dissemination of Literature in the Digital Age" is dedicated to a highly relevant topic area and promotes dissertations which research the thematic, aesthetic and economic effects of the 'digital revolution' on literary texts, actors and institutions of the literary market place from the 1980s to present day.
The Research Training Group (RTG) implements a new model for promoting humanities postgraduates whilst also furnishing its PhD students with competencies for practice in the field of disseminating literature as well as an excellent academic qualification.
The subjects of American Studies and English Studies, German Studies, Comparative Literature, Romance Studies, Scandinavian Studies are participating. The co-chairs are Prof. Dr Claudia Stockinger and Prof. Dr Simone Winko.
The RTG began its work on 1st October 2013.
Neue Sprecherinnen gewählt
Prof. Dr. Claudia Stockinger hat einen Ruf an die Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin angenommen, was eine Neuwahl der Kollegs-Sprecherinnen erforderlich machte. Die Mitgliederversammlung des Kollegs hat Prof. Dr. Karin Hoff (Skandinavistik) und Prof. Dr. Simone Winko (Neuere Deutsche Literatur) als neue Sprecherinnen gewählt. Ihre Amtszeit läuft bis März 2018.