BAENITZ, Carl Gabriel 1837 – 1913
born: Marienwalde near Arnswalde died: Breslau
Teacher in Görlitz, Bromberg, Königsberg (Prussia) as well as in several other places. Later resident in Breslau. Editor of several exsiccatae.

Biography: Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vater1. Kultur 91, I, Nekr.: 4 – 5. 1914.
GOET: Several including: east and west Prussia 1869, 1872.
Silesia 1869/70, 1882.
Yugoslavia 1897/98.
Fl. Corcyrensis 1896.

Edited: ”Herbarium Europaeum” (acc. 1873/88, ca. 750 Nr., also Hb. Vo., Pae.).

BALANSA, Benjamin (Benedict) 1825 – 1891
born: Narbonne died: Hanoi
French botanist and explorer in North Africa, the Middle East, Paraguay and Vietnam.

Biography: COSSON 1881: 16-17.
Rev. Bot. Bull. Mens. 10: 661-664. 1892.
ASTRE, La vie de Benjamin Balansa. Toulouse 1947.
Fl. Males. Ser. I. 1: 32 – 33. 1950. [ † 1892, incorrect.]
Mem. N. Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 285. 1975.
GOET: (ex Hb. Gris.) "Plantes d’Algérie" 1851 – 53, "Plantes d’ Orient" [Turkey],
1854–56, 1866, "Plantes du Paraguay" 1874 – 77. Also bryophytes.

Revisions of mosses from Paraguay: E. BESCHERELLE 1877: Mém. Soc. Sci.
Cherbourg 21.

BALL, John
born: Dublin died: London
Lawyer. 1855 – 57; assistant secretary of state for the British colonies. Botanist (especially interested in Flora of Mediterranean). Explored the Alps. Travelled throughout the Alps, Mediterranean (1871 in Marocco) and South America.

Biography: COSSON 1881: 18 - 19.
J. Bot., Lond. 27: 365 - 370. 1889.
Proc. Roy. Soc. London 47: V - IX. 1890.
Ann. Bot., Lond. 3: 450 - 451. 1890.
Herbarium: E, K.
GOET: Italien, 1841, 1844 (Hb. Gris.).

BAMBERGER, Johann Georg 1821 - 1872
born: Kirchberg, St. Gallen died: Wattwil
Swiss pharmacist, (in Zug from 1855). Botanist.

Biography: Ber. Schweiz. Bot. Ges. 26-29: 325 - 331. 1920.
GOET: Bryophytes, Switzerland (Hb. Eiben, Solms).

BARTER, Charles - 1859
born: ? died: Rabba, W-Africa.
English gardener and plant collector.

Biography: Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 287 - 288. 1975.
Herbarium: K
GOET: Western Africa ”Baikie’s Niger Expedition”, 1858 (Hb. Gris.)

BARTH, Joseph [József] 1833 – 1915
born: Tábláso near Berethalom died: Nagyszeben
Clergyman in Langenthal in Siebenbürgen (Roumania). Florist.

Biography: Mag. Bot. Lap. 14: 116-119. 1915.
GOMBOCZ 1936: 584.
Herbarium: BP
GOET: Siebenbürgen (Roumania) "Flora Transsilvanica", ca. 1868 - 1899
(acc. 1893 / 99: 600, also Hb. Roth). Also Bryophytes.

BARTLING, Friedrich Gottlieb Theophil 1798 - 1875
born: Hanover died: Göttingen
Botanist (systematics). Most important work was "Ordines naturales plantarum" (1830). 1821 private lecturer, 1831 extraordinary and 1836 ordinary Prof. of botany at the University of Göttingen. Became director of the botanical gardens in 1837 as successor to SCHRADER. Founded the university's herbarium in 1832.

Biography: Bot. Zeitung 33: 853 - 856. 1975.
ADB 46: 224 - 225. 1902.
NDB 1: 611 - 612. 1953.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 25.
Herbarium: GOET (private herbarium acc. 1841). South Lower-Saxony, and in addition material
collected on travels in Austria, Yugoslavia, Italy, France and other areas between
1818 and 1875. Together with C.E. L. HAMPE: "Vegetabilia cellularia in Germania
septentrionali praesertim in Hercynia et in agro Gottingensi lecta".

BATTANDIER, Jules Aimé 1848 - 1922
born: Annonay (Ardèche) died: Algier
Trained as pharmacist. 1875; pharmacist in Mustafa hospital (Algeria) before becoming prof. of pharmacy at the medical university in Algier. Botanist (systematics and flora of North Africa). Undertook several large trips in Algeria and Tunisia between 1876 and 1906.

Biography: COSSON 1881: 20.
Bull. Soc. Bot. France 70: 106 - 117. 1923.
Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afr. Nord 14: 47 - 58. 1923.
Herbarium: AL, MPU.
GOET: Algeria, 1884 - 86 (Hb. Roth). BATT. & TRABUT "Plantes d'Algérie", 1886 - 1890
(ca. 500 Nr.).

BAUER, Ernst 1860 - 1942
born: Pisek

Biography: MAIWALD 1904: 234.
Herbarium: PR
GOET: Few specimens of Bryophytes from Bohemia (Hb. Vo., Wi.).

BAUER, Gustav Heinrich 1794 - 1888
born: Wittenberg died: Berlin
Pharmacist in Leipzig, Pirna. Chemist in Dresden, Leipzig and from 1823 in Berlin.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 30: 344 - 347. 1889.
Ann. Bot., London 2: 397. 1889.
Herbarium: CORD
GOET: Several including; Berlin, Saxony, Bohemia (Hb. Pae., Roth).

born: Blankenburg (Harz)
Pharmacist in San Francisco between 1850 and 1860. Collected plants (and mosses).

Biography: Linnaea 30: 461 - 462. 1859/60. Note: According to Index Herbariorum, Collectors
he collected still 1848 in the Harz mountains.
GOET: California (Hb. Bg., acc. 1852/53).

BAUSCH, Wilhelm 1804 - 1873
born: Lahr / Baden died: Karlsruhe
Lawyer and later administrative court advisor in Karlsruhe. Cryptogams florist.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Herbarium: HEID
GOET: Bryophytes, ca. 30 Nr. in RABENHORST, Bryotheca (southern Germany).

BECCARI, Odoardo 1843 - 1920
born and died in Florence.
Botanist, specialised in palms. Explored many regions including Ceylon, Indonesia, New-Guinea and Australia. Director of the botanical gardens and herbarium in Florence from 1876 onwards.

Biography: Nuovo. Giorn. Bot. Ital. N.S. 28: 5-25. 1921.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 39: (56) - (87). 1922.
F1. Males. ser. I. 1: 43 - 46. 1950.
Webbia 5: 295 - 353. 1921; 8: 427 - 436. 1952.
Diz. Biogr. Ital. 12: 440 - 444. 1965.
Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 288 - 289. 1975.
Herbarium: FI
GOET: Bryophytes (mosses) from Ceylon and Borneo.

BECKER, Alexander 1818 - 1901
born and died in Sarepta
Organist, botanist and entomologist in Sarepta. Researched regions surrounding the river Volga and Caucasus Mountains.

Biography: Acta Hort. Bot. Univ. Jurjev. 2: 126 - 129. 1901.
GOET: Around Sarepta, 1881 (Hb. Pae., Roth) "pl. Wolgae inf. ed. HOHENACKER"
(Hb. Gris.), also in HUNGER "Herb. Rossicum" (Hb. Pae.). Daghestan.

BECKER, Wilhelm. 1874 - 1928
born: Halberstadt died: Berlin
Teacher, and later in Kirchmöser near Brandenburg. Viola specialist.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 71: 142 - 150. 1929.
Mitt. Thüring. Bot. Ver. N.F. 39: XIV - XVI. 1930.
Herbarium: B (†), Z
GOET: Editor: "Violae exsiccatae" Lief. I. (1900) - VIII (1908).

BECKHAUS, Conrad Friedrich Ludwig 1821-1890
born: Lingen/Hann. died: Höxter i.Westf.
Studied theology in Halle, Tübingen and Berlin. 1846 teacher, 1851 clergyman, later superintendent in Höxter. The outstanding florist of Westphalia.

Biography: Jahresber. Westfäl. Prov. Ver. 1891. 20: 2-8. 1892.
Westfäl. Lebensbilder 3: 422-443. 1934. (Portr.).
GRUMMANN 1974: 5.
Natur u. Heimat, Münster 51: 88-89. 1991 (lichen herbarium).
Abh. Westfäl. Mus. Naturk. 53 (4): 5-6. 1991.
Natur & Heimat, Münster 54: 11-24. 1994 (Portr., 100 years "Flora von Westfalen").
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 33-34.
Herbarium: MSTR, Fungi at M.
GOET: Bryophytes in Hb. Schell.

BECKMANN, Karl (Carl) Ludwig 1845 - 1898
born: Northeim died: Hanover
Pharmacist in Bassum (1870 - 90) and in Hanover. Botanist.

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 16: (58)-(60). 1898.
Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen 16: 234 - 237. 1899.
DAB 1: 34 - 35. 1975.
Herbarium: HBG?
GOET: Lower Saxony.

Worked as assistant at the forestry institute in Hann. Münden.

GOET: Several including; southern Bavaria, 1942 (Hb Inst. Waldbau).

BEHRENS, Georg Wilhelm Julius 1854 - 1903
born: Braunschweig died: Göttingen
Teacher (”Oberlehrer” ) in Elberfeld from 1876 - 79, then as private scholar in Göttingen. Author of botany text-books and founder of the "Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie".

Biography: Z. Wiss. Mikrosk. 20: 273 - 278. 1903.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 22: (39)-(44). 1905.
FREUND & BERG 1963, Gesch. Mikrosk. 1: 105 - 109.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 35.
Herbarium: GOET, also bryophytes from Lower Saxony, ca. 1870 – 1890. Canary Islands
("Flora Canariensis"), 1892 (ca. 300). Algeria 1894 (compare with W. BEHRENS
1900: Am Nordrande der Sahara. Globus 77: 101 - 105, 125 - 129, 144 - 147).

Perhaps Th. BELING (died 1898), forester in Seesen in the Harz (compare with H. SEELAND 1938: 14).

GOET: Harz, Braunschweig, c. 1835 - 52 (Hb.Vo.).

BENTHAM, George 1800 - 1884
born: Stoke (Plymouth) died: London
English botanist, originally trained as a lawyer, important taxonomist. Lived for many years in France. Co-author of "Genera Plantarum". Author of “Flora australiensis”.

Biography: Nature 30: 539 - 543. 1884.
J. Bot., Lond. 22: 353 - 356. 1884.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 2: XVI - XXI. 1884.
Dict. Nat. Biogr. 4: 263 - 267. 1885.
B.D. JACKSON 1906: George Bentham. London.
G. BENTHAM 1977: Autobiography 1800-1834, edit. M. FILIPIUK. Toronto.
Herbarium: K
GOET: Southern France (ca. 1820).

BERGMANN, Karl Georg Luc. Christ. 1814-1865
Prof. extraordinarius for anatomy and physiology in Göttingen, later in Rostock.
Author of the well-known Bergmann’s rule in zoology.

GOET: Iceland, 1846 (Hb. Bg.).

BERINI, Guiseppe 1746 - 1831

GOET: A few specimens, e.g. type of Leontodon berinii (Hb. Bg.).

BERLANDIER, Jean Louis 1805 - 1851
born: Fort - de - l'Ecluse (Ain) died: San Fernando, Mexico
French botanist (educated in Switzerland). Explorer in Texas and Mexico.

Biography: Southwest. Rev. 18: 431 - 459. 1933.
GEISER 1948, Naturalists of the frontier, p. 30 - 54.
Candollea 27: 317 - 318. 1972.
KNOBLOCH 1979: 4.
Herbarium: G
GOET: "Herbarium Berlandierianum Texano - Mexicanum" (Hb. Gris.).

Itinerary J.L. BERLANDIER 1980: Journey to Mexico during the years 1826 to 1834.
2 vol. Austin.

BERLIN, Johan August 1851 - 1910
born: Malsta/Uppland died: Skälsvik
Doctor and botanist (with NORDENSKIÖLD in Iceland and Greenland in 1883).

Biography: Acta Hort. Berg. 3 (2): 33. 1903.
Bot. Notis. 1910: 176. 1910.
Svenskt Biogr. Lex. 3: 764 - 766. 1922.
Herbarium: S
GOET: Sweden, 1876 / 77 (Hb. Vo., also in BAENITZ).

BERNET, Henri 1850 - 1904
born: Schiers (Grisons) died: Lausanne
Doctor in Geneva, Bryologist.

Biography: BRIQUET 1940.
Herbarium: G
GOET: Bryophytes (Liverworts) Switzerland, Hte. Savoie (Hb. Vo.).

BERNOULLI, Karl Gustav 1834 - 1878
born: Bassel died: San Francisco
Doctor and naturalist (esp. botany). Worked as doctor and coffee planter in Guatemala from 1858 onwards, travelled as naturalist around Guatemala (also travelled with CARIO).

Biography: Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 6: 710 - 737. 1878.
ADB 46: 432 - 433. 1902.
Herbarium: BAS (u. K)
GOET: Guatemala, 1866 - 78 (acc. 1883 - 85, ca. 2600 Nr.), generally labelled as
BERNOULLI & CAIRO 1877 / 78.

Itinerary: (1877/78): DRUDE 1878, Mitth.J.Perthes Geogr. Anst. 24: 410 - 413.

Comments: BERNOULLI's collection was initially numbered with consecutive numbers. A
second numbering system later replaced this systematic system. Generally, only
this second number is recorded. (Lists containing both numbers can be found in

Specimens revised by: L. WITTMACK 1891: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 14, Beibl. 32: 1 – 8 (Bromeliaceae).
C. MÜLLER - HAL. 1897: Bull. Herb. Boiss. 5: 171 - 220 (Bryophytes).
R. SCHLECHTER 1918: Repert. Spec. Nov. 15: 193 - 209 (Orchidaceae).

BERNOULLI (- SARTORIUS), Wilhelm 1838 - 1914
born and died in Basel
Doctor in Basel. Botanist (flora).

Biography: Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel 25: 124 - 127. 1914.
Herbarium: BAS
GOET: Switzerland (Hb. Pae., Vo.).

BERTERO, Carlo Guiseppe Luigi 1789 - 1831
born: Santa Vittoria d'Alba (Prov. Cuneo) died: at sea somewhere between Tahiti and Chile
Doctor and botanist. 1816 – 21; ship's doctor in the West Indies. Later in Chile.

Biography: Mem. Reale Accad. Sci. Torino, Ser.II. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. 1: 123 - 141. 1839; 67,
no. 5: 1 - 21. 1932.
Symb. Ant. 3: 21 - 23. 1902.
BURNAT & CAVILLIER 1941: 19 - 20.
Diz. Biogr. Ital. 9: 503 - 504. 1967.
Herbarium: TO
GOET: A few specimens from Haiti.

BERTHELOT, Sabin 1794 - 1880
born: Marseille died: Santa Cruz de Teneriffa
French zoologist and botanist. Initially employed by the Navy. Director of the botanical gardens in La Orotava in Tenerife (1820). Worked with P. - B. WEBB on the "Histoire naturelle des Canaries". Later worked as zoologist (fish and birds). Consul in Tenerife (1867).

Biography: Dict. Biogr. Franc. 6: 201 - 202. 1954.
Herbarium: FI (?).
GOET: Tenerife, 1828 (Hb. Hahn).

BERTHOLD, Gottfried Dietrich Wilhelm 1854 - 1937
born: Gahmen (Westphalia.) died: Göttingen
Prof. of botany in Göttingen from 1885 (phycology and physiology).

Biography: Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 54: (100) - (121). 1937.
Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Göttingen, Jahresber. 1936 / 37: 9 - 17. 1937.
NDB 2: 167. 1955.
GOET: Algae (marine) from Italy, 1879 /80.

BERTOLONI, Antonio 1775 - 1868
born: Sarzana died: Bologna
Prof. of botany and director of the botanical gardens at the University of Bologna.

Biography: Nuovo Giorn. Bot. Ital. 1: 149 - 157. 1869.
Diz. Biogr. Ital. 9: 610 - 611. 1967.
Herbarium: BOLO
GOET: Italy, Sardinia, Corsica (Hb. Ph.).

Comments: It is possible that some or all of the specimens come from his son, Guiseppe
BERTOLONI (1804 - 1878), also prof. of botany in Bologna (see also Diz. Biogr. Ital.
9: 611 - 612. 1967).

BERTRAM, Ferdinand Wilhelm Werner 1835 - 1899
born: Ottenstein near Holzminden died: Braunschweig
Priest in Brunswick (from 1867) and general superintendent from 1890. Edited the "Flora of Braunschweig" (four editions 1876 - 1894).

Biography: Braunschweig Magazin no. 5: 33 - 35. 1900.
Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 18: 341 - 350. 1906.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 38-39.
Herbarium: ?; bryophytes in B (†) ? BREM ?
GOET: A few specimens from Lower Saxony, Switzerland etc. (Hb. Behrens, Vo.) a few
bryophytes (Hb. Eiben, Schell.).

BEUG, Hans-Jürgen 1932 -
born: Hamburg
Botanist (palynology). Studied in Hamburg and Göttingen (student of F. FIRBAS). Habilitation in Göttingen (1963). Lecturer in Hohenheim (1967 - 69). Prof. and head of the palynology department at the University of Göttingen (1969-1987).

Biography: KÜRSCHNER ed. 13. 1980.
GOET: Turkey, 1967 (with G.WAGENITZ). Balearics: Mallorca, 1961 (with A. BERTSCH).

BEYRICH, Heinrich Karl 1796 - 1834
born: Wernigerode died: Fort Gibson (Oklah.)
Botanist, gardener and explorer. Gardener in Vienna and Kew, as well in other places. 1822 / 23 in Brazil, 1833 / 34 USA.

Biography: Bot. Zeitung 2: 222 - 223. 1844.
ADB 2: 605. 1875.
Fl. Bras. 1 (1): 6 - 7. 1906.
SEELAND 1936: 29 - 30.
Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 293. 1975.
Herbarium: dispersed
GOET: A few specimens from Berlin, Vienna (Hb. Fi.). Pteridophytes from Brazil
(Hb. Mey.). USA (Arkansas, Carolina, Georgia, Virginia) acc. 1836 and ex Hb. Herr.
Also bryophytes.

Revision of bryophytes by E. HAMPE 1839, Linnaea 13: 39 - 48.

BIASOLETTO, Bartolomeo 1793 - 1858
born: Dignano d' Istria [Vodnjan] died: Triest
Pharmacist in Triest. Botanist (flora).

Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. France 4: 1070 - 1071. 1858.
Candollea 27: 321 - 322. 1972.
GOET: A few specimens from Dalmatia, Flume.

BICKNELL, Clarence 1842 - 1918
born: Herne Hill, Surrey died: S. Dalmazzo di Tenda
Clergyman in England. Moved to Bordighera in 1879 where he worked on the local flora and archaeology.

Biography: J. Bot., Lond. 56: 303. 1918.
Herbarium: GE, TO
GOET: A few specimens of Liguria, Southern France (partly in KNEUCKER, Carices Exs.).


GOET: Rügen, 1874 (Hb. Pae.).

BITTER, Friedrich August Georg 1873 - 1927.
born and died in Bremen
Botanist. Studied in Jena, Munich and Kiel. Assistant in Berlin and Münster and at the zoological research station in Neapel (1898/99). Private lecturer in Münster (1901). Director of the botanical gardens in Bremen (1905) (private foundation). Ordinary prof. of botany and director of the botanical gardens in Göttingen (1923). Lichenologist, later did alot of systematic work on several groups including Rosaceae (Acaena, Polylepis) and Solanaceae (especially Solanum).

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 70: 37 - 43. 1928.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 46: (148) - (156). 1928.
Herbarium: BREM, GOET
GOET: Acaena, Solanum: cultivated plants, sketches of types and other herbarium
specimens, diagnoses, fragments of types from other herbarium. - Swedish Lapland,

BLANCHE, Charles Isidore 1832 - 1887
died: Beirut
Tangier from 1850 - 51, then worked as french consul in Tripolis in Syria.

Biography: COSSON 1881: 22.
GOET: Syria, 1854 (acc. 1872).

BLANCHET, Jacques Samuel 1807 - 1875
born: Moudon (Vaud) died: Vevey
Swiss plant collector, in Brasil from1828 - 56 (Bahia). Also collected zoological specimens.

Biography: Bot. Jahrb. 21, Beibl. 52: 1 - 5. 1895.
Fl.Bras. 1(1): 7. 1906.
Candollea 27: 325 - 326. 1972.
Herbarium: G
GOET: A few Brazilian specimens (ex Hb. Lucae, KIEL).

BŁOCKI, Bronislaw 1857 - 1917
born: Tuligtawy
Prof. at the polytechnical school in Lemberg (Lwow).

GOET: Southern Galicia, 1894 - 95 (Hb. Pae., Vo.).

BOISSIER, Pierre Edmond 1810 - 1885
born: Geneva died: Valleyres (Vaud)
Swiss botanist with an excellent knowledge of the flora of the mediterranean and the Middle East. Private scholar. Travelled in Spain and the Middle East. Author of the monumental “Flora orientalis” (5 Vol. and Suppl.).

Biography: Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Ges. 68: 128 - 139. 1886.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 4: XIII - XVI. 1886.
BOISSIER, Flora Orientalis, Suppl. p. I - XXXIII. 1888.
Bull. Soc. Bot. Genève sér. 2. 28: 1 - 76. 1937.
Mém. Soc. Bot. Genève 1: 140 - 144. 1979.
Kew Mag. 11: 131-142. 1914.
Herbarium: G
GOET: Spain (Sierra Nevada), 1837 (Hb. Gris., with isotypes of "Elenchus plantarum"),
Greece and western Turkey, 1842 (Hb. Gris.), Egypt, Syria, Palestine, 1846 (Hb.
Bg., Gris.). See also M. MERMOUD 1980: Voyages d' Edmond Boissier en Orient
en 1842 et 1846. Candollea 35: 71 - 85.

BOLANDER, Henry Nicholas 1831 - 1897
born: Schlüchtern /Hessen died: Portland / Oreg.
American botanist (mainly known as collector of bryophytes) with German origin. Emigrated 1846 to the United States. Lesquereux initiated him to botany. 1864-1871 ”State botanist for California”. Travelled in Guatemala, Chile, Peru, South Africa, Madagascar and Europe.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1874: 64.
Mem. N.Y. Bot. Gard. 19: 293. 1975.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 45.
Herbarium: GH
GOET: Bryophytes from California (Hb. Solms).

Revisions by: L. LESQUEREUX 1865, Transact. Amer. Phil. Soc. Philadelphia N.S. 13: 1 - 24.

BOLLE, Carl August 1821 - 1909
born and died in Berlin
Botanist (especially dendrology). Private scholar in Berlin.

Biography: Mitt. Deutsch. Dendrol. Ges. 18: 341 - 343. 1909.
Arch. Nat. Hist. 18: 251-254. 1991.
Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 124: 87-91. 1991/92.
Verh. Bot. Ver. Berlin Brandenburg 124: 93-114. 1991/92.
Herbarium: B (†)
GOET: A few specimens from Berlin, Italy, Canary islands, Cape Verde islands, (especially
pteridophytes ex Hb. Solms), also bryophytes.

BORBÁS, Vincenz von 1844 - 1905
born: Ipoly - Litke died: Kolozsvar
Hungarian botanist and prof. at the University of Budapest.

Biography: Österr. Bot. Z. 31: 209 - 213. 1881.
Mag. Bot. Lap. 4: 165 - 244. 1905.
GOMBOCZ: 548-576.
Herbarium: BP, BPU
GOET: Hungary (Hb. Gris.), also in Fl. Exs. Austro - Hung.

born: Bremen
Pharmacist in Valparaiso. Exporteur in Buenos Aires. Finally Argentinian consul in Bremen.

GOET: Canary Islands: Gran Canaria (acc. 1880). Chile, 1883 - 1886.

BORDÈRE, Henri 1825 - 1889
died: Gèdre
French botanist (plant collector), teacher in Gèdre (Pyrenées)

Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 36: 415 - 416. 1890.
GOET: Pyrenees, ca. 1863 - 77 (Herb. div., also in BAENITZ, Herb. Eur., MAGNIER, Fl.
Sel. Exs. and SCHULTZ, Herb. Norm.).

BOREAU, Alexandre 1803 - 1875
born: Saumur died: Angers
Botanist, director of the botanical gardens at Angers.

Biography: Bull. Soc. Ét. Sci. Angers ser. 2. 4/5: 211-213. 1875; 25: 31-84. 1896.
Herbarium: ANG
GOET: A few specimens from France (Hb. R. Solms).

Comments: The schedae are only labelled with AB; compare with the handwriting in Webbia
32: 19.

Pharmacist in Tecklenburg

Biography: FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 46-47.
GOET: Bryophytes from Westphalia (Tecklenburg, Warstein) distributed in F. WIRTZ,
"Dekaden aus Deutschlands Moosflora" (also co-author).

BORNMÜLLER, Joseph Friedrich Nicolaus 1862 - 1948
born: Hildburghausen in Thüringen died: Weimar
Worked initially as gardener (inspector at the botanical gardens in Belgrad) and then as botanist and explorer (including Southwest and Central Asia). Curator of Haussknecht herbarium, Weimar (now transferred to Jena). His knowledge of the flora of the Eastern Mediterranean region and of Southwest Asia was unrivalled at his time.

Biography: Repert. Spec. Nov. Beih. 100: 1 - 27. 1938.
Taxon 4: 97 - 99. 1955.
Willdenowia 2: 343 - 360. 1960.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 47-48.
Herbarium: B (partly †), JE
GOET: Turkey, 1889 "pl. exs. Anatoliae orientalis" (acc. 1890, 200 Nr., also Hb. Pae.).
Turkey - Iran, 1892 - 93 "Iter Persicoturcicum" (Hb.Vo., a few specimens). A few
specimens from Bulgaria, 1889.

BORRER, William 1781 - 1862
born and died in Henfield / Sussex
Private scholar. Land owner, florist (revisions of Salix, Rosa and Rubus in several floras), also lichenologist.

Biography: GRUMMANN 1974.
Watsonia 10: 55 - 60. 1974.
Herbarium: K
GOET: Lichen

BORZI, Antonio 1852 - 1921
born: Castroreale (Prov. Messina) died: Cutigliano, Lucca
Italian botanist and prof. in Messian and Palermo.

Biography: Agric. Colon., Ital. 16: 1 - 5. 1922.
Herbarium: PAL
GOET: Sicily: "Exsiccata Florae Siculae" (Hb. Pae., Ro., Vo.). "Pl. e insulis aeolicis",
1881 (Hb.Pae.).

BOSS, Ernst - 1903?
Teacher at the orphanage in Potsdam.

Biography: Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 51: (84). 1909, according to this membership of
the botanical organisation of Brandenburg province (1859 - 81).
Herbarium: GOET (ex Hb. Inst. Waldbau), Mark Brandenburg.

BOSWELL, John Thomas Irvine (see under SYME).

BOTTERI, Mateo 1808 - 1877
born: Lesina died: Orizaba
Collector of plants from Dalmatia and Mexico. Autodidact, linguistic genius.

Biography: Flora 32: 637 - 675. 1849.
Bonplandia 1: 143. 1853 (Announcement of the journey to Mexico).
SEELAND 1936: 19 (Hermann ROEMER discovered and encouraged BOTTERI to
become a plant collector).
Herbarium: Mexico collection in K.
GOET: Dalmatia islands: Lesina [Hvar], Pelagosa [Palagruza] (Hb. Bg., Hb. Hild.). A few
specimens from Mexico (Hb. Gris).

Note: Enumeration of Dalmatian plants collected by him: H. RÖMER, Bot.
Zeitung 4: 292-300.

BOURGEAU, Eugène 1813 - 1877
born: Brizon died: Paris
French plant collector and later curator of the WEBB herbarium in Paris.

Biography: Bull. Soc. Bot. Fr. 13: L - LVI. 1866.
COSSON 1881: 24.
RAYMOND in Bot. Franç. Amérique du Nord p. 189 - 191. 1957.
Mem. New York Bot. Gard. 19: 296 - 297. 1975.
EWAN 1981.
Herbarium: P
GOET (Hb. Gris.): West Alps: "Pl. des Alpes Maritimes" 1861/63.
Spain, Portugal: "Pyrénées Espagnoles" 1847/48.
"Pl. d'Espagne", 1850 - 52, 1854/55, 1863/64. - "Pl. d'Espagne et de Portugal"
1853. - "Pl. d' Espagne, Baléares" 1869.
Canaries: "Pl. Canarienses" 1855.
Algeria: "Pl. d'Algérie" 1856.
Rhodes: "Pl. de l'Ile de Rhodos" 1870.
Turkey: "Pl. Lyciae" 1860. "Pl. Armeniacae" 1861/62.
USA: "Palliser's Brit. N. Am. Expl. Expedition" 1859.


GOET: Berlin, Sachsen, Hessen (Hb. Hild.).

BRANDIS, Sir Dietrich 1824 - 1907
born: Bonn died: Bonn
Studied in Copenhagen, Göttingen, Bonn. Private lecturer at the University of Bonn. Senior forestry official in India from 1856 onwards (founded the Dehra Dun forestry school). Forest botanist.

Biography: Proceed. Linn. Soc. London 1907 - 08: 46 - 48. 1908.
BURKILL 1965: p. 158 - 167.
HESMER, H. 1975: Leben und Werk von Dietrich Brandis. Opladen 1975
(=Abh. Rhein. - Westf. Akad. Wiss. 58).
Herbarium: HGB
GOET: India (a few specimens by Cinchona): "Herb. Ind. Orient. prov. Nilgiri", 1882.

BRAUN, Alexander Carl Heinrich 1805 – 1877
born: Regensburg died: Berlin
Botanist (important morphologist and taxonomist). Studied in Heidelberg and Munich, Ph.D. (in absentia) in Tübingen (1829). 1832; Prof. in Karlsruhe, 1846 in Freiburg i. Br., 1850 in Gießen and in Berlin from 1851.

Biography: Bad. Biogr. 1: 125 - 128. 1875.
Flora 60: 433 - 442, 449 - 457, 465 - 471, 497 - 507, 513 - 519. 1877.
METTENIUS, C. 1882: Alexander Braun's Leben. Berlin.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 23: 203 - 206. 1905.
NDB 2: 548. 1955.
PONGRATZ 1963: 81 - 83.
Technikgeschichte 36: 111 - 132. 1969.
Dict. Scient. Biogr. 2: 425 - 427. 1970.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 49.
Herbarium: B (generally †, pteridophytes extant)
GOET: Ph. Munich, Baden (1846 - 48), France etc. (Hb. Roth, Pae.). Pter.: Pilularia. Alg.:
"Die Characeen Europas" ed. A. BRAUN, L. RABENHORST & E. STIZENBERGER.
Fasc. 1 - 5, no. 1 - 121 (acc. 1879).

BRAUN, Gottlieb 1821 - 1882
born and died in Hausberge a.d.Porta.
Pharmacist in Hausberge and Brunswick. Botanist, especially interested in Rubus.

Biography: Jahresber. Ver. Naturw. Braunschweig 5: 146 - 150. 1887.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 49.
GOET: A few specimens from Brunswick, Westphalia (Hb. Roth), also bryophytes
(Hb. Vo.).

BRAUN, Heinrich 1851 - 1920
born and died in Vienna.
Town counsellor in Vienna. Botanist. Revised several critical genera (particularly Rosa, Mentha, Thymus).

Biography: Litt. Fl. Tirol. 1900.
ASCH & GR. 6 (1): 95. 1901.
Österr. Bot. Z. 69: 224. 1920. [Obituary].
Herbarium: W
GOET: Southern Austria (also in "Fl. EXs. Austro - Hung."), Siebenbürgen.

BRAUN, Johannes 1859 - 1893
born: Berlin died: Tamatave (Madagascar)
Son of Alexander BRAUN. Gardener at several botanical gardens, including in Heidelberg and St. Petersburg. 1887 - 88 in Cameron, 1891 and 1892/93 on Madagascar.

Biography: Leopoldina 29: 56 - 57. 1893.
URBAN 1917: 180 - 181, 192.
GOET: Pteridophytes, Mauritius, Madagascar.

BREIDLER, Johann 1828 - 1913
born: Leoben (Steiermark) died: Graz
Mason, then architect in Vienna. Later lived in Vienna and Graz, living from independent means. Bryologist, especially active in Styria (Steiermark).

Biography: Mitt. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark 50: 3 - 7. 1914.
Mag. Bot. Lap. 12: 361 - 362. 1914.
Herbarium: GJO; Phan : PRC; Lich : W.
GOET: A few specimens, bryophytes from Steiermark (Hb. Schell.)

BREUTEL, Johann Christian 1788 - 1875
born: Weißenburg am Sand died: Herrnhut
Member of the administration commitee of the brotherhood and later as bishop of the brotherhood (from 1853). Collected specimens (especially crypotgams) on missionary trips to the West Indies and South Africa.

Biography: Symb. Ant. 3: 28. 1902.
Mem. N. Y. Bot. Grad. 19: 8 - 9, 298 - 299. 1969/75.
Herbarium: GLM
GOET: Bryophytes from South Africa, 1853 - 54 (Hb. So., Vo.), bryophytes, Lausitz
(Hb. Vo.).

Note: A report of his journey to the West Indies (St. Thomas, St. Croix) in 1841 was
published in Flora 25, II: 549-560.

BRIDEL (-BRIDERI), Samuel Elisée de 1761 - 1828
born: Crassier (Ct. Vaud) died: Gotha
Swiss born; from his nineteenth year onwards as tutor of the princes of Gotha, and later there as member of the Privy Council ("Geheimer Legationsrat"). Important bryologist.

Biography: ADB 3: 328. 1876.
Mitt. Thüring. Bot.Ver. N.F. 32: 1 - 4. 1915; 41: 46 - 47. 1933.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 53.
Herbarium: B (Bry)
GOET: Fungi, in Gotha (Hb. Bg., acc. 1841). Algae: Mediteranean.

BROTHERUS, Victor Ferdinand 1849 - 1929
born: Sund (Åland island) died: Helsinki
Teacher, bryologist. 1921; honary prof. of Helsinki University, 1927; Dr. h. c. at Bonn University. Travelled in Finland, Russian - Lapland, Caucasia and central Asia.

Biography: Rev. Bryol. N. S. 2: 71 - 81. 1929.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 47: (93) - (95). 1939.
Herbarium: H
GOET: Bryophytes, Scandinavia (Hb. Schell.).

BRUNNER, (Samuel ?) 1790 - 1844
born and died in Bern

GOET: Swiss (Hb. Wendl., Pae.), France (Hb. Bg.).

Comments: It is not certain as to whether this concerns Samuel B.

BUCHENAU, Franz Georg Philipp 1831 - 1906
born: Kassel died: Bremen
Studied in Marburg and Göttingen. Teacher, at the primary school in Bremen from 1855 (later the "Realschule"), head teacher from 1868. Botanist (morphologist, taxonomist, including; monograph of Juncaceae, florist), malacologist and local historian. Founder of the natural sciences organisation in Bremen (Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein).

Biography: Abh. Naturw. Ver. Bremen 19: 1 - 19. 1907.
Verh. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brandenburg 49: XLII - XLVI. 1908.
Ber. Deutsch. Bot. Ges. 30: (95) - (115). 1913.
FRAHM & EGGERS 2001: 57-58.
Herbarium: W (partly destroyed), BREM
GOET: A few specimens around Bremen (Hb. Gris.).

BUCHTIEN, Otto August 1859 - 1946
born: Rostock died: Hagen/Westf.
Botanist (interested in the flora of the Andes). Ph.D in Rostock (1887). Moved to South America in about 1893, where he first worked as teacher in Chile and then possibly, from 1906 in Bolivia. Director of the national museum in La Paz. Also collected specimens in North Patagonia and Peru. Moved back to Germany in 1936.

Biography: H.P. FUCHS - ECKERT (Manuskript), A. DITTMANN (Manuskript).
FRAHM & EGGERs 2001: 60-61.
Herbarium: US, HBG
GOET: Mecklenburg, Pommern, c. 1879 (Hb. Vo.), Oldenburg, 1884. Portugal, 1891
(Hb.Vo.). Chile, 1896/97 in BAENITZ "Herbarium Americanum".

BÜRGER, Wilhelm Heinrich Otto 1865 - 1945
born: Hanover died: Törwang (Upper Bavaria)
Studied in several places including, Göttingen. Zoologist (specialist of Nemertini). 1900-08; Prof. and director of the zoology department's museum in Santiago (Chile). Later as private scholar, travel writer and economic geographer.

Biography: H. PRAESENT 1928: Otto Bürger und sein Werk. Leipzig.
NDB 2: 746 - 77. 1955.
WAGENITZ 1988: 38.
GOET: Chile, 1903 - 05.

BUNGE, Alexander Andrejewitsch von 1803 - 1890
born: Kiev died: Dorpat
Russian doctor and botanist. Prof. in Dorpat from 1836. Explored areas in Altai, China and Persia. Important taxonomist, revised several especially complicated genera (including; Echinops, Cousinia, Astragalus, Acantholimon, Chenopodiaceae).

Biography: Sitzungsber. Naturforscher-Ges. Univ. Dorpat 1890: 359 - 373.
BRETSCHNEIDER 1898: 323-342.
LIPSCHITZ, Botanicorum rossicorum lexicon. 1: 301 - 304. 1947.
Candollea 28: 149 - 150. 1973.
Herbarium: LE, P
GOET: Altai, 1839 (acc. 1842). Iran: "Iter persicum" 1858/59 (Hb. Gris., only a few
families represented in GOET)

BURCHELL, William John 1781 - 1863
born and died in Fulham
English collector and explorer in St. Helena (1805 - 10), South Africa (1810 - 15) and Brazil (1825 - 30).

Biography: Dict. Nat. Biogr. 7: 290 - 291. 1886.
Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 7. 13: 45 - 56. 1904.
HUTCHINSON 1946: A botanist in Southern Africa p. 625 - 645.
Dict. South Afr. Biography 2: 104 - 106. 1972.
GUNN & CODD 1981: 109-110.
CRONK 1989, Arch. Nat. Hist. 15: 45-60 (St. Helena).
Herbarium: K
GOET: South Africa "Catalogus Geogr. Pl. Africae Australis Extratrop." (Hb. Gris. ex Hb.
K9. Brasil "Catalogus Geographicus Plat. Brasiliae Tropicae" (Hb. Gris. ex Hb. K,
a few specimens).


GOET: Russia, Urals (Hb. Gris. ex LE).

BUSER, Robert 1857 - 1931
born: Aarau died: Geneva
Swiss botanist, curator of the DE CANDOLLE herbarium at Geneva. Specialist for Alchemilla and Salix.

Biography: BRIQUET 1940.
Candollea 28: 157 - 158. 1973.
Herbarium: G
GOET: Swiss, especially Salix (Hb. Roth, Vo.).