Academic recognition

Academic recognition

Learning agreement

When studying abroad, recognition of credits earned abroad plays a central role. It is therefore important to clarify this before you leave Göttingen (but at the latest at the beginning of your studies at the host university). Contact the Mathematics Study Advisory Service early on to discuss the study plan and credit transfer options for your stay abroad. The preparation of a learning agreement is strongly recommended, in some cases (e.g. Erasmus+) it is even mandatory.

As a rule, successfully completed courses at the host university are recognised as "free recognition" in the respective subject group. Recognition at module level, e.g. to a compulsory module, is possible, but this must be discussed when drawing up the learning agreement.

Academic recognition

On the basis of the learning agreement, it is very easy to transfer credits earned abroad: Please complete the form in eCampus (under Additional Services -> Forms -> Forms of the Examination Offices).

Credit conversion

If the host university applies the European ECTS system, then credits are generally transferred unchanged (there may be minor deviations in the case of recognition at module level).

If the host university uses a different credit system, then credits are converted by multiplying by the factor u=30/(c/y) where c = total number of credits of the foreign degree programme and y = duration of the degree programme in semesters.

Grade conversion

Grades are converted using the "Bavarian formula".

Prerequisite for this is that the host university uses a grading system with at least 4 grades in the pass range. Otherwise, recognition will be made with grade "pass".