Academic recognition of university credits earned abroad

Before your stay abroad, it is essential that you clarify whether and how the University of Göttingen will recognise the foreign credits you intend to earn abroad with the appropriate contact person of your faculty.

The FlexNow statistics portal provides an overview of credits earned at international universities that have been previously recognised by the Univeristy of Göttingen: Prüfungsmanagement FlexNow – Anerkannte Leistungen (nach ausländischer Universität)

The learning agreement is the most important tool for the recognition of international study achievements. This document simplifies the academic planning of a study abroad at a university. Before the start of the study programme, the modules to be studied and the possible ways they may be recognised are agreed upon (ie, credits earned added to the grades overview/transcript or, when applicable, as a Diploma Supplement). The completion of a learning agreement is strongly recommended or, in the case of an exchange program such as the Erasmus+ programme, mandatory.

Please contact the departmental coordinator or recognition officer of your faculty as well as the host institution to set up a learning agreement. After signing the learning agreement, it becomes a legally binding contract between the parties. Please be aware that fixed deadlines and processes must be adhered to, depending on the exchange programme. Please make enquiries in a timely fashion.

Additional information about contact persons, the recognition procedure etc. at your faculty is available here: