
The application for the MSc programme »Molecular Life Sciences: Microbiology, Biotechnology and Biochemistry« happens completely electronically. First the applicant must register at the online portal. The registration must be completed to gain access to our upload portal. After registration the documents must be submitted within the application period via the university's upload portal.

Please note: If the required documents are not at hand in the Dean's Office according to form in due time, your application will be excluded from the process!

Key dates for the application

Information event for master programmesDecember/February
Application prodedure (non-EU) 01. January to 15. February
Application prodedure (EU) 01. April to 15. May
Information and Interview day 21 June 2024
Lottery procedure September
Semester startOctober (s. Academic calendar)
Deadline for late submission
of the diploma or language certificate
15. November