Prof. Dr. Inga MOECK
Selected publications (peer-reviewed)Fadel, M., Meneses Rioseco, E., Bruna, P.-O., Moeck, I. (accepted): Pressure transient analysis to investigate a coupled fracture corridor and a fault damage zone causing an early thermal breakthrough in the North Alpine Foreland Basin. Submitted to Geoenergy Science and Engineering, PETROL31715R2.
Meneses Rioseco, E., Dussel, M., Moeck, I. (2022): 3D thermos-hydro-mechanical simulation of the behavior of a naturally fractured petrothermal reservoir in deep Upper Jurassic carbonates of the Molasse basin – Case study Geretsried. Geomechanik und Tunnelbau, 15(1): 48-57, Doi:10.1002/geot.202100083
Fadel, M., Reinecker, J., Bruss, D., Moeck, I.S. (2022): Causes of a premature thermal breakthrough of a hydrothermal project in Germany. Geothermics, 105:102523, DOI:10.1016/j.geothermics.2022.102523, 18 pages.
Schintgen, T.V., Moeck, I.S. (2021): The interplay of Malm carbonate permeability, gravity driven groundwater fow, and paleoclimate – implications for the geothermal field and potential in the Molasse Basin (southern Germany), a foreland basin play. Geothermal Energy, 9:25, 43 p.,
Schumacher, S., Moeck, I. (2020): A new method for correcting temperature log profiles in low-enthalpy plays. Geothermal Energy (accepted),
Shipilin, V., Tanner, D.C., v. Hartmann, H., Moeck, I. (2020): Multiphase, decoupled faulting in the southern German Molasse Basin – evidence from 3D seismic data. Solid Earth, 11, 2097-2117,
Moeck, I. S., Dussel, M., Weber, J., Schintgen, T., Wolfgramm, M. (2020): Geothermal play typing in Germany, case study Molasse Basin: a modern concept to categorise geothermal resources related to crustal permeability. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 98, e14, 10 p.,
Moeck, I., Straubinger, R., Thuro, K., Stockinger, G., Dussel, M. (2020): The deep well GEN-1ST-A1 (Geretsried, Bavaria) – Unlocking a geothermal reservoir. OilGas, 46/1, 1-3, doi 10.10225/200311
Mraz, E., Wolfgramm, M., Moeck, I., Thuro, K. (2019): Detailed fluid inclusion and stable isotop analysis on deep carbonates from the North Alpine Foreland basin to constrain paleofluid evolution. Geofluids, vol. 2019, Article ID 8980794, 23 p.,
Mraz, E., Moeck, I. S., Bissmann, S., Hild, S. (2018): Multiphase fossil normal faults as geothermal exploration targets in the Western Bavarian Molasse Basin: Case study Mauerstetten. Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. (German J. Geol.), 169(3), 389-411
Agemar, T., Weber, J., Moeck, I.S. (2018): Assessment and public reporting of geothermal resources in Germany: review and outlook. Energies, 11/332, 1-17, doi:10.3390/en11020332
Budach, I., Moeck, I.S., Lüschen, E., Wolfgramm, M., (2018): Temporal evolution of fault systems in the Upper Jurassic of the Central German Molasse Basin: case study Unterhaching. Int. J. Earth Sci. (Geol Rundsch), 107/2, 635-653. doi:10.1007/s005531-017-1518-1.
Agemar, T, Hese, F., Moeck, I., Stober, I. (2017): Kriterienkatalog für die Erfassung tiefreichender Störungen und ihrer geothermischen Nutzbarkeit in Deutschland” Z. Dt. Ges. Geowiss. (German J. Geol.), 168/2, 285–300.
Jolie, E., Klinkmüller, M., Moeck, I., Bruhn, D. (2016): Linking gas fluxes at Earth’s surface with fracture zones in an active geothermal field. Geology, 44 (3), 187-190, doi:10.1130/G3741.1
Deon, F., Förster, H.-J., Brehme, M., Wiegand, B., Scheytt, T., Moeck, I., Jaya, M. S., Putriatni, D. J. (2015): Geochemical/hydrochemical evaluation of the geothermal potential of the Lamongan volcanic field (Eastern Java, Indonesia). - Geothermal Energy, 3, pp. 1—21, doi:
Jolie, E., Klinkmüller, M., Moeck, I., (2015). Diffuse surface emanations as indicator of structural permeability in fault-controlled geothermal systems. - Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 290, p. 97-113.
Jolie, E., Moeck, I., Faulds, J., (2014). Quantitative structural geology as new exploration method for a fault controlled geothermal system – a case study from the Basin and Range Province, Nevada (U.S.A.). Geothermics, 54, 54-67.
Brehme, M., Moeck, I., Kamah, Y., Zimmermann, G., Sauter, M. (2014): A hydrotectonic model of a geothermal reservoir – A study in Lahendong, Indonesia, Geothermics, 51, p. 228-239.
Reiter, K., Heidbach, O., Schmitt, D., Haug, K., Ziegler, M., Moeck, I. (2014). A revised crustal stress orientation database for Canada. Tectonophysics, 636: 111-124, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2014.08.006
Moeck, I., (2014). Catalog of geothermal play types based on geologic controls. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 37: 867-882. Doi:10.1016/j.rser.2014.05.032
Nukman, M., and Moeck, I., (2013). Structural controls on a geothermal system in the Tarutung Basin, north central Sumatra. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 74: 86-96, doi: 10.1016/j.jseaes.2013.06.012.
Cacace, M., Bloecher, G., Watanabe, N., Moeck, I., Boersing, N., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Kolditz, O., Huenges, E., 2013. Modelling of fractured carbonate reservoirs: outline of a novel technique via a case study from the Molasse Basin, southern Bavaria, Germany. Environ Earth Sci, 70(8), 3585-3602. doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-2402-3
Weides, S., Moeck, I., Majorowicz, J., Grobe, M., Palomi, D., (2012). Geothermal exploration of Paleozoic formations in Central Alberta. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 50(5): 519-534, doi: 10.1139/cjes-2012-0137.
Bauer, K., Munoz, G., Moeck, I., 2012. Pattern recognition and lithological interpretation of collocated seismic and magnetotelluric models using self-organized maps. Geophysical Journal International, 189/2, 984-998.
Moeck, I., Backers, T., 2011. Fault reactivation potential as critical factor during reservoir stimulation. First Break, 29, 67-74.
Munoz, G., Ritter, O., Moeck, I., 2010. A target-oriented magnetotelluric inversion approach for characterizing the low enthalpy Groß Schönebeck geothermal reservoir. Geophysical Journal International, 183/3, 1199-1215.
Bauer, K., Moeck, I., Norden, B., Schulze, A., Weber, M., Wirth, H., 2010. Tomographic P-wave velocity and vertical gradient structure across the geothermal site Groß Schönebeck (NE German Basin): Relationship to lithology, tectonics, and thermal regime. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, B08312.
Blöcher, M.G., Zimmermann, G., Moeck, I., Brandt, W., Hassanzadegan, A., Magri, F., 2010. 3D numerical modeling of hydrothermal processes during the lifetime of a deep geothermal reservoir. Geofluids, 10(3), 406-421.
Munoz, G., Bauer, K., Moeck, I., Schulze, A., Ritter, O., 2010. Exploring the Groß schönebeck (Germany) geothermal site using statistical joint interpretation of magnetotelluric and seismic tomography models. Geothermics, 39/1, 35-45.
Ollinger D., Baujard C., Kohl T., Moeck I., 2010. 3D temperature inversion derived from deep borehole data in the Northeastern German Basin. Geothermics 39/1, 46-58.
Noack, V, Cherubini, Y., Scheck-Wenderoth, M., Lewerenz, B., Höding, T., Simon, A., Moeck, I., 2010. Assessment of the present-day thermal field (NE German Basin) – Inferences from 3D modeling. Chemie der Erde – Geochemistry, 70, Suppl. 3, 47-62.
Zimmermann G., Moeck I., Blöcher G., 2010. Cyclic water frac stimulation to develop an enhanced geothermal system (EGS) – Conceptual design and experimental results. Geothermics, 39/1, 59-69.
Moeck I., Schandelmeier, H., Holl, H.G., 2009. The stress regime in Rotliegend reservoir of the Northeast German Basin. Int. J. Earth. Sci. (Geol. Rundsch.), 98/7, 1643-1654.
Moeck, I., Kwiatek, G., Zimmermann, G., 2009. Slip tendency, fault reactivation potential and induced seismicity in a deep geothermal reservoir. J. Struct. Geol., 31, 1174-1182
Moeck, I., Zimmermann, G., 2008. Geothermal Research Well Groß Schönebeck – from Planning to Stimulation. Brandenburgische geowissenschaftliche Beiträge, 15(1/2), 155-164.
Moeck, I., Dussel, M., Tröger, U., Schandelmeier, H., 2007. Fracture networks in Jurassic carbonate rock of the Algarve Basin (South Portugal): Implications for aquifer behaviour related to the recent stress field - In: Krasny, J.; Sharp, J. M. (Eds.), Groundwater in Fractured Rocks, Taylor and Francis, 483-497.
Chapter in books/editor of books
Kempka, T., Herd, R., Huenges, E., Endler, R., Jahnke, C., Janetz, S., Jolie, E., Kühn, M., Magri, F., Meinert, P., Moeck, I., Möller, M., Muñoz, G., Ritter, O., Schafrick, W., Schmidt-Hattenberger, C., Tillner, E., Voigt, H.-J., Zimmermann, G., 2015. Joint Research Project Brine: Carbon Dioxide Storage in Eastern Brandenburg: Implications for Synergetic Geothermal Heat Recovery and Conceptualization of an Early Warning System Against Freshwater Salinization. - In: Liebscher, A., Münch, U. (Eds.), Geological Storage of CO2 – Long Term Security Aspects, (GEOTECHNOLOGIEN Science Report; 22) (Advanced Technologies in Earth Sciences), Cham: Springer International Publishing, p. 183-208.
Harvey, C., Beardsmore, G., Rüter, H., Moeck, I. (Eds.), 2014. Best practice guide for geothermal exploration. IGA (International Geothermal Association) and IFC (International Finance Group), Bochum University of Applied Sciences, Bochum, Germany, 193 pages.
Sperber, A., Moeck, I., Brandt, W., 2010. Drilling into Geothermal Reservoirs. - in: Huenges, E. (Eds.), Geothermal Energy Systems, Wiley-VCH, 113-171.
Bruhn, D., Manzella, A., Vuataz, F., Faulds, J., Moeck, I., Erbas, K., 2010. Exploration Methods. - in: Huenges, E. (Eds.), Geothermal Energy Systems, Wiley-VCH, 37-112.