Research projects
Research projects
- ArtemIS 06/2021 bis 12/2024: Expansion of the geothermal information systems GeotIS into an internet portal for the sustainable thermal transition in Germany, Subproject C: Internationalization, knowledge transfer and energy statistics (funded: 7. EFP of the BMWK)
- GöMith 01/2022 bis 12/2022: Additional project MEET – Expansion of the demo site Göttingen from the campus to the urban area of Göttingen by the analysis of the geological conditions for the use of energy from medium-deep geothermics (third-party funds Stadtwerke Göttingen)
- WärmeGut 08/2022 bis 12/2025: Flanking of the geothermal heat pump rollouts for the sustainable thermal transition by means of federal, uniformly provision of geoinformatics on near-surface geothermics in Germany, Subproject C: Overall management, hydrogeology, geohydraulics, publics relations (funding: 7. EFP of BMWK)
- WarmUP 10/2022 bis 01/2026: Geothermics for the sustainable thermal transition: Flanking of the geothermal heat pump rollouts of medium-deep geothermics in Germany: Subproject B: Verification of evaluation criteria following the PlayType concept, exploration seismics and knowledge transfer via GeotIS (only through LIAG; funding: 7. EFP of BMWK)
- GeoLux 2020-2021: Investigation of the geothermal potential of Luxembourg by quantitative methods (funded by myEnergy Luxembourg)
- mesoTherm 2020-2024: Exploration and exploitation of medium-deep hydrothermal reservoires – a contribution to the heat transition in North Germany, including accompanying research on deep drilling in the North German Basin, Location Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg (funded by BMWi)
- ZoKrates (LIAG) 2020-2021: Zonated reservoir treatment on natural fracture systems in deep carbonates for the development of a petrothermal pilot site in Germany; including accompanying research on a deep-drilling site in the Molasse Basin, Location Geretsried (funded by BMWi)
- PlayType (LIAG) 2017-2021: Cataloging geothermal provinces by the play type concept for economic development and internationalisation of the German geothermal industry (funded by BMWi)
- REgine (LIAG) 2019-2021: Geophysical-geological reservoir engineering for deep carbonates (funded by BMWi)