Future prospects for the private forest in NRW

Project for the development of future prospects and strategic orientation of private forestry operations in NRW

Cooperation project between the Forest Economics Department and the North Rhine-Westphalia Forestry and Timber Agency

In view of the considerable loss of substance due to the drought and bark beetle calamity, the state of North Rhine-Westphalia is launching a research project to support private forests. Many forest owners are faced with fundamental existential decisions: Which tree species should be used to reforest the forest areas that will survive in the face of climate change and at the same time produce sufficient yields? What expenses for stand establishment and maintenance, forest protection, traffic safety, maintenance of the business organization, etc. are to be expected in the coming years and how can they be financed? What alternative operating income to timber sales can I generate with my forest property in the future? Are there further opportunities for rationalization at the operational level? What are the prospects for commercial forestry in private forests?

The aim is to identify possible business perspectives with the participation of affected forest owners. At the same time, the project aims to develop forest policy recommendations to promote these prospects. First of all, the project group examines the current impact of the calamity on private forest ownership in NRW in more detail. In the next step, it estimates the expected expenditure and yield ratios in the course of climate change. Based on the NRW silviculture concept, it will develop economically justified strategic recommendations for action. These should also take into account the various owner objectives and their respective requirements in private forests. In addition, the work will shed light on rationalization potentials and alternative income opportunities for private forest enterprises in addition to timber sales.
In addition to close cooperation with the forest owners concerned, the project will also be actively supported by a project advisory board made up of other forestry practitioners.

Project duration: July 2021 to June 2024
Project funding: State Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of North Rhine-Westphalia

Person in charge:
Dög, M..;Reichert, F. (Wald und Holz NRW); Ellermann, W. (Wald und Holz NRW)