Seminar on the module ‘Location and property development in retail’: Location policy as a competitive instrument

In winter term 2024/2025, a seminar on current developments and the importance of ‘location policy as a competitive instrument’ in food retailing will take place as part of the Bachelor's module ‘Location and property development in retail’.

Prof. Dr. Rainer P. Lademann

Contact organization:
Office Chair of Marketing and Retail Management

Target group:
Bachelor BWL, VWL, WIP ab 3
Course language:
Admission requirements:

Dates (changes reserved):
Start: Friday, 13:00-16:15 Uhr
Room: Oec. 1.168

Further provisional dates: 25.10.2024, weitere 08.11.2024, 22.11.2024, 13.12.2024,24.01.2025

Registration FlexNow: 01.10.2024 - 08.11.2024

Learning outcome, core skills:
Based on the competitive situation in food retailing, the participants should recognise the importance and control of location policy for the competition for consumers. To this end, the location requirements of the companies for the different types of business they manage and their spatial expansion policy are analysed in depth. The question of the importance of new locations in gaining market share in relation to other marketing instruments is of central importance.

Participants are expected to actively participate in the sessions (face-to-face event) and attend a practical presentation that is currently being prepared. In addition, they are expected to prepare a group paper (in groups of three, 10 to 12 pages of text per participant) based on secondary data and literature sources, in which they analyse location policy in food retailing in more detail. Previous knowledge of retail management and scientific work is advantageous.

Successful participants receive 6 credit points.

Recommended references:
Lademann, R./Kleczka, M., Marktbeherrschung im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel? Eine wettbewerbs-ökonomische Analyse der Handelsentwicklung und ihrer Folgen für Lieferanten und Verbraucher, Frankfurt 2023.
Wieland, T., Räumliches Einkaufsverhalten und Standortpolitik im Einzelhandel unter Be-rücksichtigung von Agglomerationseffekten, Mannheim 2015 (Download).

The briefing and the grouping will take place in the first session on 25.10.2024. Unexcused non-participation in the first session will be considered a cancellation. Any places that become available will be allocated to interested parties on waiting list.

Information about the seminar can be found in eCampus.