Dissertations in 2024

Doctorates awarded at the Faculty of Business and Economics in 2024:

  • Ansgar Quint

    "Theoretic Essays in Public Economics - Profit Shifting in General Oligopolistic Equilibrium and the Role of Information in Career Concern Models"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Robert Schwager, Chair of Public Economics

    Examination date: 10 January 2024

  • Luis Omar Herrera Prada

    "From Secondary School to the Labor Market in Colombia: Turning Barriers into Building Blocks"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso, Ibero-America Institute for Economic Research, University of Göttingen

    Examination date: 2 February 2024

  • Daniel Hirschmann

    "The role of university-related intermediation in supporting sustainability transitions in regional innovation initiatives in Germany"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Kilian Bizer, Chair of Economic Policy and SME Research

    Examination date: 1 March 2024

  • Michelle Lang

    "CEO Succession and Strategic Communication: An Empirical Analysis of the Interplay between CEOs, Boards, and the Capital Market"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff, Chair of Management and Control

    Examination date: 8 March 2024

  • Tobias Blay

    "Navigating the Future of Work: New Perspectives on Virtual Collaboration"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Fabian J. Froese, Chair of Human Resources Management and Asian Business

    Examination date: 8 March 2024

  • Till Ole Diesterhöft

    "Managing Informational Uncertainty in Customer Data Breaches: Empirical Insights into Understanding and Addressing Customer Needs in Healthcare Security Incidents"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe, Chair of Information Management

    Examination date: 15 March 2024

  • Dominic Maier

    "The future of finance in times of climate change: An empirical analysis of climate-related risk awarness, sustainability action and CFO impact"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff, Chair of Management and Control

    Examination date: 29 April 2024

  • Ann-Charline Weber

    "Aspects of restricted access to resources: Protest, numeracy skills, early childcare, nutrition supplementation"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer, Chair of Development Economics / Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS)

    Examination date: 10 June 2024

  • Melanie Dunger

    "Social Structures and Response to Misconduct: An Empirical Analysis of Economic, Social, and Psychological Factors in Norm Enforcement"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Claudia Keser, Chair of Microeconomics

    Examination date: 14 June 2024

  • Laura Diniz Penteado de Barros

    "Socio-economic and political consequences of labor market shocks: Evidence from Brazil"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Krisztina Kis-Katos, Chair of International Economic Policy

    Examination date: 27 June 2024

  • Fernanda Carneiro-Otto

    "Greening Consumption: Decoding the Influence of Vegan Label and 'Rescued' Claim"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yasemin Boztuğ, Chair of Marketing and Consumer Behavior

    Examination date: 28 June 2024

  • Fabian Engel

    "Better Banking Through Crises - Krisen als Innovationstreiber des Bankmarketings" (Better Banking Through Crises - Crises as Drivers of Innovation in Bank Marketing)

    Supervisor: Apl. Prof. Dr. Ingo Köhler, Institute for Economic and Social History

    Examination date: 2 July 2024

  • Sascha Lichtenberg

    "Working Digital - Shaping Motivation and Behavior by Information System Design Elements: Analyzing Pro-Task and Pro-User Effects Induced by Acknowledging Digital Work"

    Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Lutz M. Kolbe, Chair of Information Management

    Examination date: 23 August 2024

Interior view of the auditorium at Wilhelmsplatz