
Welcome to the website of the team of the International Office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science! We are a group of students at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and are in charge of introducing new master and international students to our university system. On this website, we collected the most relevant information and documents for you about how to get your studies started. At the beginning of your stay, we provide you some possibilities to settle in sooner by connecting you to other students through various ways as in the following section.

What do we offer?

  • Welcoming Event: every semester we organise a Welcome Day for new students where you get to know the faculty as well as your fellow students. Unfortunately, due to the current situation we cannot meet in person. Instead we prepared an Introduction Video for you containing the most important information.
  • Buddy-Programme: every new master/international student gets assigned to another student already studying at the university, a so-called “buddy”. That’s a person already familiar with the faculty and city. They are the first contact person for you if you have any questions about your studies or life in Göttingen in general.
  • Question and Answer Session: we offer two (online) Question and Answer sessions for you where you have the chance to ask any question concerning the Buddy Programme, the virtual campus, creating a timetable etc. You can find details on these sessions in the Handout.
  • Providing information: below we provide some documents with detailed information on what we do, important points of contact and how to organise your studies.
  • Social Events: throughout the semester we organise some social events such as city tours, game nights, hiking trips or an international dinner. Sign up on the mailing list or subscribe to our WhatsApp group to not miss any of these events.

For your study-related questions that are not covered by these events, please contact the study advisory: study advisory mathematics.

For questions about residence permit we have to refer to the Foreigner's Registration Office (Ausländerbehörde) of the City of Göttingen

Introduction video

Let’s get to know the faculty in this video! You will get to know our team of students as well as faculty members, we will show you around and give some information on how to organise your studies.

Please click here to watch the video.

Introduction: starting at minute 0:00
Faculty Tour: starting at minute 10:55
Organising your studies: starting at minute 20:30

As mentioned in the video you find all the relevant information in the following two documents. The Handout contains details on the Buddy Programme, our social events, the use of your student ID card and how to approach different contact persons. An introduction how to organise your studies is presented in this Presentation (these are the same slides as used in the video).

Further Information

  • The study advisor in Mathematics provides some further information and offers a Course Guidance Seminar. Date, Time and Place were included in the welcoming message of Mathematics.
  • The study advisor in Computer Science will approache you by mail informing you about all relevant topics and documents you need to start your studies.
  • Göttingen International is responsible for welcoming new international students on a university wide level. They offer a general Introductory Week for all International Students, give information on the application process as well as on studying and living in Göttingen.