General scientific apparatus and Miscellaneous in Theology and Bible

A General scientific apparatus

Aa General references

Ab Theological references

Ac Linguistic lexicons and grammars (excl. biblical language)

* The languages are alphabetically arranged following the decimal system (1=A etc.)

Ad Biblical lexicons (1-139) und concordances (140 ff.)

Ae Bibles and Bible parts (texts)

1-99 the whole bibles
1-26 German, following the alphabet of the translators
27-52 dialects, following their alphabet
53-78 other languages, following the alphabet of the languages
79-99 Polyglots
100-249 Bible parts
101-126 German, following the alphabet of the translators
127-152 dialects, following their alphabet
153-178 other languages, following the alphabet of the languages
179-199 Polyglots
250 ff. interlinear translations

Af Introductions to the theological studies, encyclopedias

Ag Bibliographies

Ah Miscellaneous

Ai University programs

B Miscellaneous in Theology and Bible

Ba Text series, periodicals, series

Bb Festschrifts and commemorative volumes (following the alphabet of the honorees)

Bc Edited volumes, conference reports and the like (chronological)
1-10 Series

Bd Bundles

Be Collected essays and discourses (following the alphabet of the authors)

Bf The positions of theology and Church, manifestoes, etc. (chronological)

Bg Explorations to the whole Bible
1-50 General introductions
51-100 History of origins
101-150 Theology
251-300 Contemporary significance of the Bible (popular scientific)
301-350 History of ideas and of culture
351-400 History of pervasion
401 ff. History of translation and of printing

Bh Polemic papers, Pamphlets and of that kind