This is a list of frequently asked questions with its answers. They are roughly sorted chronologically related to the course of the study.

And here are the answers:

Do I have to apply for the studies?

The subject mathematics in the Bachelor's programme with two subjects is admission-free (without NC), so you can enroll directly. If the desired second subject for the Bachelor's programme with two subjects is admission-restricted (with NC), you have to apply for it.
A more detailed answer to that question can be found at Enrollment or application for freshmen.
If you are a university or subject switcher and want to switch to mathematics, you can find suitable information here.

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  • Are there courses that prepare me for the studies?

    Each year in September there is a course at Göttingen university that prepares (not only) prospective students of mathematics for the introduction to mathematics at university level. This course is called "Propädeutikum" (propaedeutics course) and the participation at this course is highly recommended. You can register online at mathematical propaedeutics.

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  • What is the "O-Phase"?

    During the orientation phase, the so-called "O-Phase", the student representatives introduce you to the mathematics programme, the city of Göttingen and Göttingen University. Another important function of the orientation phase is that you get to know your prospective fellow students. More information can be found here.

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  • Is it difficult to study mathematics?

    Every student has to answer that question for him- or herself. What can be said in general is that for most of the freshmen the change from school to university life is not easy.
    Nonetheless, especially together you can do it. From the beginning on, you should choose a small group of fellow students with which you talk and argue about mathematics and pose many questions to one another. It can be said from experience that you especially need these requirements to study mathematics successfully.

    • You enjoy to think about mathematical/logical problems
    • Power of endurance
    • Frustration tolerance

    I found this gem on the subject of frustration tolerance:
    „ Eine Mathematikvorlesung ist wie eine Nachtwanderung im Gewitter. Die meiste Zeit fühlt man sich verloren, nass und erbärmlich, aber in seltenen Momenten gibt es einen Blitz und der erleuchtet die gesamte Szenerie.“ (Tom W. Körner) übersetzt von G. M. Ziegler

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  • What are lectures/exercises/practical courses?

    Lectures are courses in which normally especially the instructors speak. Here, the material that has to be learned will be written on the (electronic) blackboard or presented with slides. Of course questions are allowed and welcome.
    Exercise sessions mainly focus on the (solving of the) exercise sheets that have to be solved within the scope of the lectures. Normally, students presents their solutions here. If necessary, lecture material can be discussed and/or deepened together with the exercise instructor ... and it is always helpful to pose questions about the material.
    In the first and second semester the so-called "Praktika" (practical courses) are voluntary (no compulsory attendance!) additional offers that should facilitate the introduction to university mathematics, as professors, their assistants and the exercise instructors regularly take time to answer questions to the lectures and exercises. Additionally, skills about subject-related discussion about mathematics and team work in mathematics is trained.

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  • What are key competencies?

    Normally, with the term key competencies skills are identified that exceed the pure subject-related competencies and help to develop posed requirements. Typical examples are method competencies like "How do I prepare a presentation?" or "How do I learn efficiently?" as well as social competencies like "How do I instruct a group?" or "How can I solve conflicts?".
    Lehramtsstudierende könnenin ihrem Studiengang Schlüsselkompetenzen im Umfang von maximal 10 Credits im sogenannten Optionalbereich erbringen.
    Students of teaching profession can acquire key competencies covering a total of at most 10 credits in the so-called optional area.
    At Göttingen University there are five different categories of key competencies. More details and a list of university-wide key competencies can be found here.

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  • What is the optional section of the Bachelor's programme with two subjects and the teaching profession track?

    The optional track is part of the so-called professionalisation section in each track of the Bachelor's programme with two subjects - it covers 10 credits in the Bachelor's progamme with two subjects. The professionalisation section is a part of the teaching profession studies that is not purely subject-related. In the teaching profession track, the pedagogics and partially the technical didactics courses are part of this and the so-called optional section. Here, students of the teaching profession can choose if they want to acquire additional modules of one of their subjects or if they want to acquire key competencies and put these modules in the optional section.

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  • How does my time table look in the first semester?

    In the first semester you take the lectures "Differential and integral calculus I" and "Analytical and linear algebra I" (both in the Bachelor's programme with two subjects and the B.Sc. Bachelor's programme). Additionally, there are exercises and practical courses. On the first look, the timetable looks quite empty. Nonetheless, the most time that has to be spent is normally not while attending the courses. Each course has weekly assignments - so-called exercise sheets - that you have to work on and reach in your solutions. The solving of the exercise sheets takes far more time than it takes to attend the corresponding courses. To understand mathematics you have to learn to solve exercises and actively think about what was mediated in the lectures and exercise sessions. This is the reason why the programme is structured like this.

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  • When do I have to attend the compulsory advisory?

    Before you register for the third (thus the last possible) examination try, in some cases a compulsory advisory is necessary. Details can be found here.

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  • When should I schedule a stay abroad?

    In the Bachelor's programme, you should not plan the stay abroad before the third and also not necessarily in the last (sixth) semester. In the Master's programme, it is recommended from 2nd until 3rd. It generally holds that you should already start planning at an early stage - at least a year before the planned stay abroad. It is recommended to visit the ERASMUS coordinator Hartje Kriete (Get in touch).

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  • How will credits from my exchange studies be recognized?

    All courses successfully completed at the exchange-university will be recognised as so-called "freie Anerkennung" in the respective study group ("Fachgruppe") with the number of credits as given by the exchange-university inst. Grade conversion will be made via the "Bayerische Formel”."

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  • How do I find an advisor for my Bachelor's thesis?

    Students usually look for a supervisor for their thesis themselves by contacting the professors personally to find out whether they still have supervisory capacities and topics available. The professors are also happy to be contacted for the assignment of theses by e-mail.
    A list of possible supervisors ("Prüfungsberechtigte in Mathematik") as well as the thesis application form can be found at this link.
    A list of past theses topics for orientation can be found here.

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  • How do I register my Bachelor's thesis?

    There are different rules for this during the corona-pandemic, see Mathe-CV-FAQ

    After the advisor situation is clarified, you have to fill out the following form together with the advisor and hand it in in the examination office.
    When handing in the Bachelor's thesis, you have to keep the following in mind:
    Two printed and bound editions of the thesis as well as an electronic version (PDF format) on CD-ROM have to be handed in.
    The form of the thesis has no special requirements. The important thing is that the signed declaration of independent writing is part of the thesis.

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  • How do I submit my thesis during the pandemic?

    There are different rules for this during the corona-pandemic, see Mathe-CV-FAQ

    For handing in the Bachelor's thesis at the examination office you have to take care of the following:
    Two printed and bound editions of the thesis as well as an electronic version (PDF format) on CD-ROM have to be handed in.
    The form of the thesis has no special requirements. The important thing is that the signed declaration of independent writing is part of the thesis.
    An example of a layout for a Bachelor's thesis can be foundhere.

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  • How is the final grade of the Bachelor calculated?

    When calculating the final degree, the weighted mean of the corresponding credits of the following examination modules is calculated:
    a) the Bachelor's thesis
    b) all completed and graded module examinations.
    Upon request of the students, module examinations in the range of at most 18 credits do not have to be part of the final grade, in this case the corresponding modules appear on the Bachelor's certificate without a grade.

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  • How does the deletion of a grade work in the Bachelor's programme with two subjects?

    By request of the students, modules of mathematics of the Bachelor's programme with two subjects in the range of at most 18 credits are not considered when calculating the final degree; in this case the corresponding modules appear on the Bachelor's certificate without grade.
    If the Bachelor's thesis is written in the subject of mathematics, the deletion of grades can be directly applied for when compiling the certificate, because it is compiled at the math.-sci. examination office. The certification compilation form can be found here.
    If the Bachelor's thesis is not written in mathematics, the certificate will be compiled in the examination office of the respective subject where the Bachelor's thesis is written. In this case, you first have to tell the math.-sci. examination office which grades should be deleted. This can be requested informally from Ms. Karin Otto under specification of your matriculation number and the modules that should be deleted. Her contact details can be found here. When the application is processed, your certificate can be compiled at the corresponding other examination office.

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  • Do I get a university place for the Master's programme?

    Because it is not possible to foresee the future, this question can not be answered terminally. Experience from the last years has shown that the applicants that fulfil the formal admission criteria also get a place in the Master's programme.

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  • Which Bachelor grade do I need to be admitted to the Master of Education with the subject mathematics (M.Ed.)?

    The regulation of a certain Bachelor grade is suspended and is not used for the admission anymore. That means that the grade of the Bachelor's programme with two subjects is irrelevant for the admission for the Master of Education.

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  • What is the seminar for research-oriented learning? How do I find the fitting seminar?

    The seminar for research-oriented learning is a mathematical seminar. Mathematical seminars are courses in which students work out a mathematical topic autonomously from (normally given) literature and give the other participants of the seminar an understanding of it with a talk. When preparing the talk, the lecturers or the assistants answer arising questions and also give them advice for the structure of the talk. In seminars, active participation - so the posing of questions and the participation in the discussion of the topic - is very much desired. Normally, preliminary meetings of seminars with topic allocation take place at the latest in the first week of lectures.
    Often, seminars for the upcoming semester are already announced at the end of the courses of the current semester. The likelihood of this happening is greater if students show interest in a seminar built on the lecture. In such cases, the preliminary meeting for the seminar in the upcoming semester often already takes place in the current semester. Please get in touch with the instructors at an early stage if you are interested in a topic. This also makes sense because there often is a limited number of places in seminars.
    Above all, seminars with other courses are announced in the UniVZ/Stud.IP system as well as in some cases by notice in the hallways or on the doors of academics. Keep your eyes peeled and your ears open!
    Each semester, there is at least offered one seminar that is especially targeted at students of teaching profession. Nonetheless, all other seminars that are offered within the Bachelor's or Master's programme are open for students of teaching profession to acquire the credits needed for the seminar for research-oriented learning.

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  • How is my final grade calculated?

    When calculating the final degree, the weighted mean of the corresponding credits of the following examination modules is calculated:
    a) the Master's thesis
    b) all completed and graded module examinations.
    Upon request of the students, module examinations in the range of at most 12 credits do not have to be part of the final grade, in this case the corresponding modules appear on the Master's certificate without a grade.

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