Research in the WORKING GROUPS

The organisation of research at the Chair from 1995 to 2018, when there were three further working groups in addition to Heiko Becker's group, led to the partition of the Chair into two groups (Beissinger, Link) for the phase from 2018 to 2023. Accordingly, the research projects initiated by Tim Bissinger or dealing with faba beans are currently being continued. Work is also being carried out on quinoa, a topic that dates to the phase in which Antje Schierholt managed the chair. Further details on the ongoing research work can be found under the "People" tab.

  • Breeding Research in Faba Bean
    (Prof. Wolfgang Link)
    Research on the reproductive peculiarities of faba bean
    Research on frost-tolerance of winter faba bean
    DNA-marker-based association analysis in winter faba bean
    Breeding method and population structure in case of partial allogamy
    Fast-track to homozygous lines in faba bean
    Analysis and use of heterosis in faba bean

  • Dr. Birgit Zumbach
    iPAB lecturer, supervision of experimtal theses, Breeding research

  • Dr. Lisa Brünjes
    Research projects in preparation:
    Breeding Pulses for vegetarian and vegan diets
    Faba bean abiotic stress tolerance: pollen and pollinator features

    Former Working Groups
  • Administration of the Division, organisation and implementation of research and teaching
    (Dr. Antje Schierholt)
  • Zea mays L., tracking Evolution, understand Genotype-Phenotype and Genotype-Environment relationship
    (Prof. Dr. Tim Beissinger)
  • Genome Analysis and Application of Markers in Rapeseed and Faba bean
    (PD Dr. Wolfgang Ecke)
  • Breeding Methodology in Maize and Rapeseed
    (Prof. Heiko Becker; retired)