Literature on choice of studies and the organisation of your studies

Under the roof of our large Infothek on key competencies, internships and career entry, the Study Office of the Faculty Humanities has also compiled a section on the topic of course selection, motivation and organization.

Are you familiar with these questions:

  • Which degree program is right for me?
  • How can I improve my time management in my studies?
  • What tricks and tips can I use to motivate myself better in my studies?
  • Which learning techniques will support me best in my studies?
  • How do I write a term paper and prepare for an exam?

Just like your questions, the topics of the available literature are very diverse: From "procrastination" to learning techniques or an instruction manual for studying - for almost every question, there is a book that will help you!

If you want to improve your learning and working techniques, and your study organization at one point or another, make use of the offer and borrow books from the Infothek. This offer is aimed at students in all phases of their studies and is free of charge.

An overview of the entire Infothek of the Dean of Students Office can be found here.

If you get stuck despite looking through the books, you are welcome to make an appointment with us or come to our open office hours - we will be happy to help you!