Three young women are walking and talking under pink blossoming cherry trees on the campus of Göttingen University.



Are you interested in various fields of study and would prefer not to miss out on any of them? Or do you have a career aspiration that requires interdisciplinary knowledge that the usual degree programmes cannot provide? Our degree programme in economics gives you the opportunity to combine economics with one of around 40 subjects. This gives you a great deal of freedom to put together your own individual programme.

Bachelor’s programme in Economics (two subjects)


Winter semester


6 semesters


Limited admission (application to the university)




180 Credits


Top ratings in general study situation


Hardly any other degree programme offers you as many possibilities to individually design your studies as our two-subject Bachelor's programme in Economics. It allows you to study economics together with one of around 40 subjects offered at the University of Göttingen - from Egyptology to Economic and Social History. For example, combine political science with economics to advise parliamentarians on economic issues. Combine economics with East Asian studies to support companies in developing the Chinese market. Or combine economics with philosophy to advise governments on the ethical aspects of economic decisions. You can find an overview of the available subjects here (please select "Bachelor (2-subjects)" under degree). Our economics programme is designed in such a way that it qualifies you for the Master's programmes International Economics, Development Economics or Applied Statistics if you choose your profile accordingly. So nothing stands in the way of your career as an economist.

  • Core curriculum economics: Building foundations

    During the core curriculum, you will acquire essential knowledge in economics, forming the foundation for your further studies in economics. It includes only a few mandatory modules in microeconomics and macroeconomics to provide you with significant flexibility in pursuing your interests. You can also choose from other recommended foundational modules such as mathematics, statistics, econometrics, or applied economics, as well as select additional economics modules based on your interests. In the main seminar, you will write a term paper on an economics-related topic, drawing upon current publications or working with real data. During the presentation and discussion of the topic, you will enhance your presentation and communication skills.

    You can find an overview of available seminars in the field of economics here.

    66 Credits

  • Second subject: Creating interdisciplinary knowledge

    The combination of economics with a minor subject provides you with interdisciplinary knowledge that gives you a unique profile for your professional career. You can choose from around 40 subjects in the fields of humanities, cultural studies and languages as well as natural sciences, mathematics and computer science and, of course, economics, law and social sciences. You can find a complete list on the overview page of the subjects. Activate the option "Bachelor (two subjects)" under the tab "Degree". Please note that you must also fulfil any admission requirements when choosing a second subject.

    66 Credits

  • Professsionalisation area: Setting priorities

    This area offers you the opportunity to structure your studies in a way that allows for pursuing a subsequent Master's degree or transitioning into your professional career. You will develop key competencies such as language skills, leadership, and communication skills for this purpose. In the specialization area, you can choose between two profiles (or Studium Generale) to prepare optimally for your intended master's programme or professional life. We recommend taking 18 credits in the professionalisation area with modules from the key competences area and 18 credits with modules from the offered profile areas

    • Subject-Specific Academic Profile (18 credits): Choose this profile if you plan to pursue a master's programme in economics after completing your Bachelor's degree. You can select all elective modules from the core curriculum in economics that you have not yet taken. Please consider the admission requirements for your intended Master's degree programme when choosing your modules.

    • Professional Field-Related Profile (18 credits): Opt for this profile if you intend to start your professional career immediately after completing your Bachelor's degree. You can take selected modules in business administration, business and human resource education, business informatics, and economics. In addition, you can have an external internship credited to your degree programme under certain conditions.

    • Studium Generale (36 Credits): In this profile, you can choose any combination of modules from the subject-specific academic profile, the professional field-related profile, and the key competencies. You can also select modules exclusively from one of the two profiles or from the key competencies. Choose this profile if you plan to pursue a Master's degree in Applied Statistics after completing your Bachelor's degree and therefore wish to take a particularly large number of modules in quantitative methods.

    36 Credits

  • Bachelor's thesis: Applying what you have learned

    You can write your Bachelor's thesis in one of the two chosen subjects of your bachelor's programme. Work on a concrete question within a given time and apply all the skills you have learned during your studies: Research methods, critical thinking and independence. You select current, topics on economic challenges and use real data as well as quantitative methods for your analysis.

    12 Credits

  • Study plan and additional links


  • Flexible study structure

  • Interdisciplinary competences

  • Study abroad

  • Personal development

If you're interested in various subjects and don't want to give up on any of them, no problem. Our degree programme in economics offers you the chance to try out and get a better understanding of two different degree programmes simultaneously. This gives you the flexibility to decide which discipline you want to delve deeper into during your studies. If you opt for a subject-specific specialisation in Economics, you can take enough economics modules to qualify for advanced economics master's programmes. In this case, you should deliberately choose modules in the professionalisation area that are required for entry into the master's programme and also write your Bachelor's thesis on an economics-related topic.

Two students, a man and a woman, sit at the counter of the student advisory service and are advised by a woman.

There are professions that require interdisciplinary knowledge not provided by any of the usual degree programmes. Perhaps, for example, you wish to work in policy consulting and therefore want to combine Economics with Political Science. Or you aim to work as a quantitative analyst for banks and insurance companies but find that a traditional Economics degree lacks sufficient computer science and statistics components. Our two-subject bachelor's programme allows you to precisely assemble the course of study you need for your career aspirations.

A group of six students, four men and two women, sit in a circle of chairs and discuss animatedly.

A semester abroad broadens your horizons, deepens your knowledge of foreign languages and gives you experiences you will remember for a lifetime. The Faculty of Business and Economics offers you opportunities to study abroad for one or two semesters within the framework of Erasmus+ or worldwide faculty and university programmes. You will not only benefit from our wide range of exchange programmes and partner universities, but also from our excellent international advisory service.

A globe standing on a table in the library.

A two-subject degree promotes your mental flexibility and creativity. It allows you to expand your intellectual boundaries and develop new ways of thinking. You learn to combine different subject areas and link their methods and approaches. This strengthens your analytical skills and helps you to look at complex problems from different perspectives. You also sharpen your communication and teamwork skills by working with different people from different disciplines.

A student sits at a table in the library and takes notes.


  • Portrait photo of Jonathan Ewald. He is wearing a beige pullover and standing in front of a window pane.

    "I'm studying economics and political science in the 2-subject bachelor's programme here in Göttingen. I started with economics because I'm very interested in economic policy and I like the fact that I can go in many different directions with economics. I chose Göttingen because it's the perfect place to study: you have the advantages of a large and a small city and almost a quarter of the inhabitants are students. I also had friends who were already studying in Göttingen, so I already knew the city and the university."

    Jonathan Ewald,

    Bachelor’s programme in Economics with a second subject in Political Science

  • Portrait photo of Philipp Albert

    "I chose my degree programme quite spontaneously at the time, and I only really "discovered" economics when I was looking for my second subject. In retrospect, however, it was a great decision and especially the combination of economics with the second subject modern indian studies is very interesting. After my Bachelor's degree, I would like to travel for half a year and then probably do a Master's degree in development economics."

    Philipp Albert,

    Bachelor’s programme in Economics with a second subject in Modern Indian Studies

How to apply

How to apply

Three simple steps to apply to the faculty

  • 1.

    Select "Economics (B.A.) (two subjects)" in the online application form and indicate your second subject and whether you are an EU citizen or a citizen from a non-EU country.

  • 2.

    Enter your personal data in the application and enrolment portal of the University of Göttingen and provide information about your desired degree programme. Upload the necessary documents for your application and then submit the application to request your participation in the application procedure.

  • 3.

    If you are admitted, you will be informed by email and can download your letter of admission from the application and enrolment portal. You can accept the offered place of study directly in the application and enrolment portal by applying for enrolment within the deadline stated in the notification.

Apply now!

We accompany you through your studies

Your teaching team (selection)

  • Portrait photo of Kilian Bizer. He is wearing a white shirt.
    Economic Policy and SME Research
    Prof. Dr. Kilian Bizer

    "Curious questions and open dialogues about incentives and barriers open up the economic policy path to transformation, which cannot succeed without economic thinking. Joint reflection based on economic models complemented by other social science approaches to develop concrete economic policy measures is the goal of my teaching."

  • Portrait photo of Robert Schwager. He is wearing a blue jacket and a light blue shirt.
    Public Economics
    Prof. Dr. Robert Schwager

    “Finance deals with the basic question of society: What are the tasks of the state, is it too weak or too powerful, are taxes too high or too low? Where should the line be drawn between freedom and welfare, individual responsibility and security, individual rights and community claims?“

  • Portrait photo of Claudia Keser.
    Prof. Dr. Claudia Keser

    “Tell me and I will forget. Show me, and I may keep it. Let me do it, and I will be able to (Confucius) - this is the leitmotif for my teaching.”

  • Portrait photo of Thomas Kneib. He is wearing a wine-red T-shirt.
    Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib

    "As a statistician, I am responsible for essential parts of the quantitative education of Bachelor's and Master's students in our faculty. In all areas, it is important to me to awaken enthusiasm for statistical methods by enabling students to acquire a deeper understanding of the theoretical aspects through practical applications and to implement them themselves in the context of statistical programming."

  • Portrait photo of Krisztina Kis-Katos. She is wearing a white shirt.
    International Economic Policy
    Prof. Dr. Krisztina Kis-Katos

    „In the lecture hall, learning does not happen by simply listening, but only when students "play along": Think along, ask questions, answer questions and join in the discussion. This interaction of the teaching conversation and the occasional "aha" experience when I have been able to convey something new and perhaps unexpected gives me pleasure.“

  • Portrait photo of Tino Berger. He is wearing a blue shirt.
    Empirical International Economics
    Prof. Dr. Tino Berger

    "A little bit of education adorns the whole person." (Heinrich Heine)

Do you have any questions?

Are you wondering whether a study programme at the Faculty of Business and Economics is right for you or do you have questions about the course of studies, placement in a higher semester or recognition of academic achievements? During our office hours, we advise you on site at the Oeconomicum, digitally via BBB and by telephone without prior registration.

Student Advisory Office

+49 551 39-28800

Oeconomicum, 1st floor, Room 1.135

Portrait photo of the student advisory service. From left: Dorothee Konings wears a turquoise blouse, Dennie Oertel wears a dark blue checked jacket and a white shirt and Anja Schöfer wears a black blazer and a white blouse.