In publica commoda


Three-Minute-Thesis Competition (3 MT)

Titel der Veranstaltung Three-Minute-Thesis Competition (3 MT)
Veranstalter Graduiertenschulen der Universität Göttingen, Alumni Göttingen e.V.
Veranstaltungsart Sonstige Veranstaltungsart
Kategorie Forschung
Anmeldung erforderlich Nein
Beschreibung An 80,000 word PhD thesis would take 9 hours to present.
Their time limit... 3 minutes.

The idea for the 3MT competition arose in Australia, when Queensland was facing a drought and everyone was requested to use less water – also when showering. A large part of the people thus used egg timers to shower for no more than 3 minutes. The Dean of the University of Queensland´s Graduate School then came up with the idea of the 3MT Competition – et voilà, the egg was ready to be served!

The rules of the competition are simple, but not easy:

Each participant only has 3 minutes to present his or her research with only one slide to an educated lay audience in such a way that they can easily follow and understand what the person is working on.

The jury is made up of professors from the graduate schools, representatives from public relations and the university's alumni association. And you, the audience will also be invited to vote for the Audience Award!

Just three minutes per doctoral student, and 10 fascinating topics that probably only come together in a few places, presented with precision. Let's dive into the exciting world of science and explore areas we may never have thought about before!
Zeit Beginn: 16.11.2024, 15:00 Uhr
Ende: 16.11.2024 , 16:30 Uhr
Ort Tagungs- und Veranstaltungshaus Alte Mensa (Wilhelmsplatz 3)
Kontakt Inga Mölder
Externer Link
Dateianhang 3MT_Poster_AnkündigungVeranstaltung.pdf