Research Overview
Goal of the BFNT Göttingen was to support and integrate research and development in three core areas: 1) Neural Stimulation, 2) Neural Recording, and 3) Neural Control. It was aimed for developing systems in which these three components work together in a closed-loop control system (a so called Neuro-Bionic Closed-Loop System).
Core applications of such systems are found in the areas of medical diagnosis, therapy as well as rehabilitation of sensory, central and peripheral deficits but also in the fields of novel measurement- and data-analysis techniques for basic research. Specifically the BFNT Göttingen will work on technological development for optical as well as electrical stimulation, imaging and prosthetics. Central support for the BFNT Göttingen work will arise from the two new W3 (chair) positions to be appointed in the fields of “Neural Imaging” as well as “Functional Data Analysis and Neural Stimulation for Adaptive, Biomechatronic Control". A focused connection to industrially relevant technology development exists through industry partners who are members of the BFNT Göttingen.