The programme
Data Science is a scientific field that has emerged at the interface of computer science, mathematics, statistics and applications. It is interdisciplinary by nature combining elements of its contributing sciences to solve challenging problems in a data-based, empirical approach. The PhD Programme in Data Science (PDS) targets PhD students that work in data science in a broad sense, i.e. ranging from foundations over empirical applications to the societal implications of data science.
PDS is part of the Georg-August University School of Science (GAUSS). GAUSS defines the general regulations for PhDs in natural sciences while the specific details for a PhD in data science are specified a dedicated appendix to these regulations. Please also refer to "further information" for details.
PDS is hosted by Göttingen's Campus Institute Data Science (CIDAS). PhD students enrolled in PDS will automatically become members of CIDAS and as such they can benefit from the various offers and activites.
Admission Requirements
The two most important requirements for enrolling as a PhD student in PDS are
- the successful completion of a qualifying master programme with relation to data science (for example, but not limited to, data science, machine learning, statistics, computer science, mathematics, …).
- the acceptance by a PhD supervisor with examination admission for PDS and the formation of a thesis committee comprising two additional members.
Programme Committee
The programme committee for PDS currently consists of Prof. Dr. Thomas Kneib, Prof. Dr. Fabian Sinz and Jan van Delden.
- Contact Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Admission office
Goldschmidtstr. 7
37077 Göttingen